yes im bragging lol

edited August 2011 in Parenting
Gianna just pooped in the toilet LOL

We have been doing potty training off and on the last year or so. She'd go thru periods where she was fine going on the potty(kid potty) and wanted to then she'd want nothing to do with it. Always just peeing though..asking her to poo in it resulted in running away screaming lol

I never worried about it despite certain inlaws saying "she needs to be out of diapers" We tried underwear Thursday and it was total hit and miss, majority of the time shed pee wherever she was,change her underwear and wed discover a puddle lol

Tried underwear all day Sunday and it went much better. Last night she didn't even want a diaper on for bed so we put a towel down. Woke up dry! She had one accident today-no big deal! And after putting her to bed hubby noticed she was by the door (her new pooping place lol) so I said let's try. Sat there on the toilet (with a kiddie seat) for god knows how long until I heard little farts lol I said just a few more minutes...
4 farts later both little hands gripped the seat and I heard plopping LOL

I know there will be more accidents to come and she's not really potty trained after 2 days but I am THRILLED we got over the scared of pooping in the potty part!!!



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