I have Cholestasis :(

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Just left my appointment and my doctor said i have Cholestasis. He can't induce me till August 17 cause insurance wont induce until I'm 39 weeks. I'm at high rick of having stillborn, this Friday he is going to monitor the baby's heart rate for 20 minutes. I'm 3 cm dilated....I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow. Has anyone gone through this? I'm so scared! He said if I feel her moving less to go to the ER asap. Please pray that everything goes well for my baby girl :(


  • I'm so sorry to hear that but good luck. Insurance can be a pain in the butt with there rules they should look at individual cases to see what is appropriate for each person! What is that do you have more det
  • ***details. We will def be praying for you!
  • Omg I pray you and ur baby make it through this!!! Idk what that is u say u have. I will Google!
  • Ok I just googled. Gosh I'm so sorry! ! If u guys made it this far keep ur faith hopefully you'll make it after the next two weeks their telling u to. Did they say you've had this during all of pregnancy? ? Is baby ok now?? Sorry if I'm asking tmi.
  • They wont induce even if the baby is at risk? Or he feels its ok for you to wait two more weeks?
  • @mommyof3tobe I complained about how bad I had been itching so he thought I had PUPPS but after the blood wrk came in that wasn't the case anymore. So far the baby seems to be doing good, thank god! He is going to monitor me very closely to make sure that she's not under stress. Thanks so much for your prayers.
  • @ll10 if her heart rate drops then yes he will....he wants me to hold out just a little more so her lungs can develop properly.
  • I wish you all the best!!!
  • PUPPS?? ok Googling that too! Wow I am sorry for the stress u have to go through! Your welcome! :-)
    Where were u itching? I itch sometimes too. Skin On top of my belly though ...probably just my skin stretching.
  • This is what im worried about, i have constant itching on my legs and arms and especially aroind my ankles, its so bad moisturiser or cold flannel doesnt ease and its worse of a night. I just think docs will thinj im bein over the top and just pass it ff as stretching/hormones :( Hope your ok!
  • What's cholestasis? %%-
  • Insurance have all these dumb rules and regulations they need to look at each case and decide instead of going by the protocol. I pray everything turns out ok!
  • @mommyof3tobe it started on my belly but now its on hands and feet really bad...
  • @texasmom3 I had choleostasis and will most likely have it with this one. I had her at 34/35 weeks. If you have any questions or anything just ask and I may know
  • @ash1la I know! Its just ridiculous :( thanks though......

    @mollysmama did it clear up after? Why do u think u got it? Was your baby okay? I'm so worried about her....
  • @texasmom3 it usually goes away the second you after you have the baby. They dont know why I had it. And I understand its a scary thing. But relax the best you can since it is already stressful to the baby do your best not to get stressed out.
  • So sorry you have to go through this. I'm sure baby will be fine. My thoughts are with you.
  • @monkey _girl I appreciate it, thanks! I just want my induction to be over with so I know she's not under any kind of stress.
  • @texasmom3 my daughter was just fine.. When are you due?
  • Hang in there! I'll pray she's going to be fine.
  • @jaime77 I'm really trying but I can't help but be so stressed and frustrated with all the itching ....thanks for praying for her :)
  • Im asking for blood tests at my midwife appointment tuesday for this, how far along are you? Im sure everything will be fine with your baby! :)
  • @texasmom3 Did you have any symptoms other than itching? I've been itching like crazy for about 8 weeks now. I had my bile acid levels checked, and everything came back normal, but all the signs point to Cholestasis. I have EXTREME itching on the bottoms of my feet & palms of my hands mostely at night, yellowing of the skin around my eyes, dark colored urine, & light colored bowel movements (sorry that's TMI). I don't have any type of rash, and I've tried EVERYTHING from Benadryl to baby powder, nothing helps. I'm 37 weeks now, so it's obviously not healthy if this is Cholestasis. Do you remember the name of the blood test they ran, by any chance?
  • @babymcbride_27 I can't remember the name of the blood test ( bile acid something) but it sound's like u might have it. I would have them check again just to be on the safe side. They have me on medication to help the liver now, its supposed to help with the itch but to be honest with you I have absolutely no relief from it. Don't go in the sun cause I did the other day and almost went to the hospital cause it was so bad! I started crying cause I broke out in red bumps all over :( OMG it itched soooo bad!!! I do have dark urine and feet and palms are the worst. My doctor told me to not use the benadryl all over cause it has steroids that get into the blood steam and is not good for the baby. He told me that I can use it but only in certain areas and not a lot. He said the more you itch the more it spreads. He told me to fight it! Ha yeah like its that easy!!
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