Heavy bleeding, and clotting 2 1/2 weeks postpartum.... normal???

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
I am 2 1/2 weeks postpartum and still passing some blood clots... and also still having pretty heavy bleeding... (like a heavy period) Is this normal???? How long am I supposed to bleed?? It's very dark red blood... and the some of the clots are about the size of a half dollar. Anyone experience this? Is it normal?


  • I did until about 3 weeks post parting. Pretty normal
  • Yeah sounds about right. It will stop and go and be heavy inbetween. if it gets red it can be an indication that you are doing too much.
  • Probably doing too much.... its hard when I'm. Chasing my toddler around too. :(
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  • I just had no idea... because it seems like it would lighten up for a bit... and start to turn brown... and yellow.... then it's like the next day... it's back to heavy red and clots again! ugh! @homebirthadvocate
  • Well fantastic.. I called my doctor's office... and the doctor wants to see me tomorrow for an ultrasound... he said clotting this late is rare, and parts of the placenta may still be left inside me... GROSS!!! ugh...
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