Sister and I....

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
So, I am 25 and have a 22 year old sister. This is my second child and we're both due July 10, yeah kind of funny. N E one else due around the same time as another family member?


  • My sister in law and I are only like a month apart
  • Well me and my bbys daddy's brothers girlfriend are a week apart
  • Me and my best friend of almost 20 yrs had our kids 5 days apart. My friend and I were also born 2 days apart
  • My sil is due june 20th and I am july 21st
  • We are due may 15 and my brother and his wife are due may 19! Both new parents lol so my mom is getting grandoson at the same time! It'd really exciting though!
  • @babymaxisontheway : maybe that's a good thing 'cause I don't know what your MIL is like, but I would have LOVED to have 1/2 of her attention diverted elsewhere when I was a new mom, lol- She was exhausting & rude!
  • I am due September 10 and my sister is due August 7. I am 26 and she is 25. First child for me. Second for her.
  • Its kind of exciting because we share clothes compare weight gain everything she's having a girl n I find out at 5 today. I'm hoping for boy cause I already have a girl but either way ill b happy
  • I'm due Aug 17 an my sister is due I'm July an my niece on due at the end of Aug
  • That's so exciting. I think it is great being pregnant at the same time. We like to compare symptoms. I have zero morning sickness and have had the easiest pregnancy and she is sick all day. She thinks she is having a girl. I think I am having a boy. I cannot wait to find out. I wish I were finding out today.
  • I'm due Sept 12 & my co-worker is due Sept 13. We work very closely together in same dept. ;-)
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