how many times a night do you get up to pee??**there may be an upside to this problem!! lol



  • At least 4 usually but last night I didn't go once! Yay!
  • When I waa pregnant, in the last few weeks I woke up every hour sometimes more. I looked at my phone for the time each time lol. How so glad that I dont oee as often.
  • @Oregonmama lmao yes. In this case it's a number and a feeling lol

    @pretty_princess01 lucky!

    @maymommy11 I know, annoying is an understatement!!
  • only 2x. And sometimes 1x. I try not to eat nor drink @ nights. That may help reduce the potty breaks
  • Wow surprised by the so few times n order to just get myself to sleep I have to go at least 5 or 6 times then I usually wake up around 12 then 3 then 5 n then@ about 9 which is what time I get up but I have a very bad bladder so its normal to get up n pee a time or so during the night but @ 5 I usually can't go back to sleep for a few hrs n all this is annoying my bf always has to ask me before he goes #2 if I gotta pee this is aweful never peed so much n my life
  • 37 weeks and I have to pee like crazy , maybe 8 time everynight , lucky me when is only 4 or 5 times.. I am so ready for my caesarian in two weeks
  • @nova just wait lol I'm 35 21 weeks I slept through the night too ;) lol

    @momloveu4ever ugh it sucks doesn't it?? Idk if I can make it another month lol
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