ectopic pregnancy
My second pregnancy (feb17th-march12th,2010) was ectopic it ruptured when I was 8 weeks along I had to have emergency surgery to remove the baby and my tube. I had lots of internal bleeding but thank God the ambulance gotme to the hospital in time. My husband and I were very sad that we lost a child, his first my second. We didn't try again until after we got married in october 11, 2010. We thought for sure it wasn't going to be easy since I only have 1 tube. We concieved in the end of November and found out december 12th! I am now almost 37 weeks pregnant with a healthy bay girl. Our miracle baby .. just wanted to share my story to give other that have had or may possibly have an ectopic pregnancy, HOPE! You can get pregnant again and with a healthy baby.
Id love to hear anyones story
Id love to hear anyones story
@jaime77 wow 3 ectopics, idk how I would've handled that! But she has twins now! I'm jealous, I wanted twins but healhy is good no matter how many or what gender
@hopefulmom2be sorry for your loss but I'm very happy you're having a baby girl now so awesome.. so you still have the tube just basically doesn't work?
@mrz_jackson2anpreggo awww 3 babies after ectopic!! Yay!! Hubby wants 2 moreafter this so you just gave me hope for a couple more children ..
I wish all you ladies a happy (lol) healthy pregnancy! Even if it may seem its terrible and we want it to end its all worth it for our miracle babies
@mrz_jackson2anpreggo lol.. I don't care if mine are planned I just want them healthy and here you got sooo lucky, ima be scared of an ectopic each time too
@mrz_jackson2anpreggo I'm pretty sure its right bc it cuts your chances in half
Ladies ANYTHING is possible, its all in God's hands