Does anyone have the ab glider? (non pregnancy related)

So lately when I wake up in the middle of the night I start watching the infomercials on exercise DVDs and exercise machines bcuz I'm so terrified I won't be able to lose the baby weight fast enough bcuz of my 1. hypothyroidism 2. no gallbladder and this ab machine looks pretty cool...

Was wondering if anyone has used it? It that one machine where kneel and swivel your waist around. Just want to know before I invest in it. :)


  • My friend has it but she puts laundry on it. She says its fun but I don't think she uses it often. I luv informercials! I'm wanting to buy meaningful beauty the cindy crawford skin care.. Too expensive tho.
  • I want that thing so bad!!! It looks awesome!
  • I want it too!!!!
  • Its not good at all. Most people quit it right away. Beat bet is get a gym buddie or have a weightloss compition with a friend. Throw money in weekly and after 6 weeks who ever lost the most weight gets the cash! A friend of mine is doing that n loosing all kids of weight
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