how does it feel?

edited August 2011 in September 2011
how do contractions feel like? are they like cramps,sharp pains, or pressure pushing down??? cause im due September 18th almost! and everyones telling me ill know when its time but i know lots of people who thought they were having conractions and some who didnt know they were having contractions. fill me in :[


  • With my first I was just having bad lower back pain. When I got to the hospital I found out I was having contractions. I think everybody is different. No matter if its back pain, period like cramps, pressure or sharp pains... You will know when its time.
  • I didn't have back pain when I had my contractions. But I wasn't in labor, I'm due in September. But for me it felt like a really tight feeling and then it would release and repeat.
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