Sex after you lose your mucous plug????

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I lost my mucous plug on Sunday morning and have been to afraid to have sex since then.tomorrow at 6am in my c section and I want to have sex wit my hubby b4 I go in.I have googled for answers and haven't come up with one yet.all I get is after you lose plug bacteria can get in there.I know after you dilated you can still have dr said sperm is sterile.I really don't want to call my dr and ask so if anyone knows please let me know....thank you:)


  • Dr told me you can. Do anything till. Your water breaks
  • I heard until your water breaks as well but I'm not positive! You may not wanttt to call your dr and ask lol but better safe than sorry if your worried!! :/
  • @Rissalee7 and @stbmilitarybrat thank you ladies.I gave in and called my dr but they never pick up the phone and no one ever calls back so im just waiting now.this is my 5th baby and 1st time I've lost my plug so im think its ok to but I want to make sure.6wks is goin to b a long time and im goin to miss my
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