starting labor.. in labor... or preparing for labor?

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
I don't know what to do? I feel so stuck right now.
Im 37 weeks tomorrow (yay so close)
Anyways, yesterday evening my bf and I went to town (an hour drive) did some shopping.. I slept on the way up, which isn't comfy being 9 months preg trying to sleep on the car but I started to have back pain when I woke up, we went to the mall, walked around and it stopped then on the way home it started back up. When I got home i started walking around and it went away, it came back when i was trying to get comfy and go to sleep, I fell asleep woke up and was okay.. I went to work and it was achen but when I got up it wouldnt hurt as bad. It keeps hurting and its not getting stronger but it stops achen when I get up and move around.
I called my doc they HP I go to is 2 hours away. It's the only place I trust that is close to me. Well the nurse I talked to gave me attitude and said if it gets worse go to l&d we can't do anything for you.. my apt with my doc is nxt Wednesday too so Idk what to do.
I'm a ftm and im kind of freaking out.. I don't know if this is an achen back or labor?
Everyone I know said oh you'll know when your in labor.
I don't know, I live in a rural community and my ob I went to before I got referred out is gone all week. My bf started night shift for his next 14 day hitch tonight so I'm by myself. I don't know if I should wait for my bf to get home at 7 am and make him take me 2.5 hours to l&d or see if I can see someone at the clinic to tell if I'm starting labor?

I wish I knew what this was :( can someone help or just talk. I feel so lost, and confused.


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