
Okay I have a question. pre-Pregnancy, I smoked cigarettes, quit cold turkey when my body felt i was prego, bc i was too sick to carry through w/o feeling sick. Now, i have been craving them suckers for so long now, its ridiculous. With my first son, i breastfed for two weeks (Pump), picked up two cigs and instantly dried up, nevertheless my boobs shrunk like deflated balloons avd stayed that way for three years. (dont know if it was the combo of that or just bfeeding) Now theyve filled out nicely :) to this pregnancy and by God im not breastfeeding with this baby bc its too much of a hassle. question to the mommies who went back to smoking after birth, in order to keep my breast size but still have a freaking Newport, would i have to wait till i dry up to smoke, or would it matter at all? I know breastfeeding makes you lose weight and this time i need to keep all my weight possible bc im small boned. And dont give me crap about secondhand smoke hurting the baby, bc i will make sure it wont reach him at all costs, even through clothes and such.

Sorry so long, thanks for reading


  • Smoking has nothing to do with deflating ;)
  • Girl my poor boobs deflated in less than 2weeks post partum. I don't smoke or bf.
  • i smoked after i had my son and i dried up but it was because i wasnt bf, iv never heard that smoking would make you dry up. some ladies keep their boobies and some dont :( thats why im getting a boob job!!!!
  • My friend smoked and dried up instantly too. I dnt smoke but I know women do it while breastfeeding. They aren't supposed to but they say it is better to smoke and bf than to not do it at all. Can u believe it. But I guess we r all diff. I am 41/2 months pp I breastfed 2 and a half months and I got to keep my big boobies ;) hopefully they dnt deflate :(
  • Ugh the crap our bodies go through lol
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