Can constipation be a sign of labor?

edited August 2011 in Labor
Ok so I dont have a gallbladder and have not been constipated my whole pregnancy. The other day I had to go to the Dr because I have a yeast infection and the medicine the nurse called in made me have contractions. They changed my medicine and I was ok for a day. Then yesterday the contractions started back. I really think they are contractions anyway. It is all in my back. It starts gradually and then gets very painful and then goes back to mild. They arent close enough to time yet but the Dr did tell me that she is in position and my cervix is very sensative but not dialated yet. So I guess my question is can this new onset of constipation be a sign of labor? I know that diahrea can be but Ive also heard that laxatives can put you in labor so I dont want to take anything to make me go into labor. I am 35+3 but the Dr said that he would not stop labor now because she is so big. I also had a dream last night that was so real I woke up crying. My grandfather (who has been dead for 12 years) was in the hospital dying and my hubby (who never met him) was there with me and I was talking to him about the baby and he wanted to know if it was a boy or girl (told him girl) and when she was going to be born and I told him in a few days. The weird thing about the dream was that the nurses kept telling me he was dead and I kept telling them I knew he was dead but we kept talking just the same. I dont know if Im just nervous and anxious for her to be here or if Im going crazy! lol
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