cramps... how long?? lol

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ladies, this is my first pregnancy so everything thing odd makes me nervous. I know every woman/pregnancy is different. However, for those of you who have experienced cramping in the first trimester how long did it last? I am 6 weeks and 1 day. The cramping is not everyday, but I do experience cramping here and there. It feels like a combination of menstrual cramps and soreness. Anyone have experiences that they wouldn't mind sharing? Thanks!


  • Don't worry love I'm 10 weeks with my first and I had moderate cramping u said urself every pregnancy is subjective but most likely it is quite normal .my obs told me some women even need to hospitalize due to severe pain.lucky ure nothing like that .mine lasted till 9 weeks I get cramping now too but is different its more like muscle pull .don't worry and enjoy the gift you'd been given :D
  • @2011ma2bbyB I am 5 wks 3 days and have had cramping off and on. Its very common for the first trimester. I have had cramping that has felt like period cramping, cramping of my ovaries (which the doc says is normal because they are working to support my pregnany), and just soreness of my uterus from time to time (it's gearing up for some huge changes!). You are fine as long as you dont have severe cramping or bleeding. If I'm worried or have any questions I always call my doc and they set my mind at ease.
  • Thanks ladies for the feedback.
  • I have the same, daily almost. Some last a while others come and go. No bleeding and showing other signs of normal progression. . . Sick belly, sore breast (esp nipples), etc so trying also not to worry. Its hard though. Seens lime everyone wants to share their mc stories, why is that. . . Don't they know I'm scared enough. . . Glad I'm not the only nervous one!!
  • Im 17 weeks & still cramping. No worries, it just getting bigger to accomodate e growth of ur little one. :)
  • Totally normal. Every time I feel crampiness I say, "Baby's growing!" Or "Guess I'm having a growth spurt!"
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