everyone thinks......

Everyone thinks I have postpartum depression );


  • What do u think? I'm afraid of getting it.....
  • @texasmom3 I'm starting to think I do i'm just hoping that if I just don't agree or think about it maybe it'll get better );
  • @abbys_mommy. Hun if your feeling like something is a little off make sure to Just bring itr up to your doc. usually its Not something that just goes away You have talk it out and work through it. Best wishes! ;)
  • @Emmatamomma I just was really hoping it wouldn't happen to me... it doesn't help that I got kicked out of my house 3weeks after I had my baby girl I'm losing my car and my husband lost his job things just won't go right and it's super hard sometimes I think she deserves better ... but I wouldn't change her for the world!!! I just feel like such a shitty mom most of the time );
  • @Abbys_mommy. Girl I'm so sorry to hear alllll that I know Its craziness for a lot of mommies I'm suffering through alit my doc scheduled me to see a therapist now to avoid depression. I'm 29 weeks with my second... I'm legally married to an abuser still...go to court rhw 17. I moved into a house with my awesome boyfriend that we had big plans to flip and redo...yeah I got fired the weekend we were moving @ 7 months preggo...now I'm praying for government assistance to make ends meet...I've learned a lot can change in life very quickly so when u stand plant you feet firm because its inevitable that something someone or some situation will slam up on you. Hold onto your baby/ies your husband and focus on the love all around u at the end if the day. ;) Best wishes love
  • i had postpartum with my son it was pretty bad i would hold him and cryy for no reason and apologize to him i couldnt go in a car with him i was havin intrusive thoughts it was bad but i told my doctor and he put me on prozac and it was like the dark cloud left and i felt so much better and i only had to take the meds for a couple months dont be embaressed that it happend to u just dont deny it u will feel much better once its taken care of dont be ashamed it happens to alot of woman it doesnt make u a bad person or mom its ur body let someone help u u will feel better i promise let me know how ur doing ok girl?
  • I feel for ya hun. I had ppd with my first. I felt so ashamed to admit it but it is natural and a lot of women experience it. I was so overwhelmed at first and having a baby was not at all what i expected. My hubby came home one day and i was setting in an empty bathtub crying my eyes out. You don't have to go through it alone. We are all here to help you through the hard times. I suggest talking to your dr about anti depressants. The better you feel, the better parent you will be to your child. Good luck.
  • When I think of ppd, I associate lack of maternal attachment/bonding. After my first, alot of people in my life thought I had ppd because I wasnt keeping up with daily stuff like cleaning (my house or myself). All my focus was on my baby. Idk if it was ppd; depression can manifest in sooo many different ways. However, youre under enough stress from other life situations (other than having a baby) that would cause mood disturbances, it couldn't hurt to talk to someone.

    Fyi, a hallmark of being a great mother is always thinking your kids deserve better and doing your very best to try to come close to what they deserve.
  • @Emmatamomma thank you and I'm also sorry you have to go thru that I hope things get better for you as well!!! I sure hope things do for me to!
  • @Landynplus1momma I cry alot too when I hold her and then I feel worse because I don't want her to see me like that..... I've never had any bad thoughts about her idk what I would do if I did I don't think I could handle that ....I'm gonna talk to my doctor and hopefully she can help! I will let you know what I find out!

    @Britni24 I'm gonna talk to my doctor! I wanna be the best mommy I can possibly be to my princess!!!!

    @Math_Mommy I'm always with my baby I never go out I don't do anything I'm at home 24/7 with her!! I could count on one hand as many times that I have gone out since she has been born and she will be 4 months on the 14th.... I'm not complaining or anything but being stuck in the house all day every day gets tough ... and yes I have alot of stress in my life right now and it just keeps piling up ...
  • I was afraid to tell my doctor and it got much much worse. I finally told someone before I harmed myself. With my next baby I told my doctor at my first appointment what happened to me and when I had my second daughter I left the hospital with prescription for antidepressents and got it filled immediately. Nothing wrong with admitting something is wrong and reaching out for help
  • my intrusive thoughts consisted of like going in a car and seeing our car getting smashed into, me waking to check on him and him not breathing, someone breaking in and taking him from me it wasnt anything bad i wanted to do to him just that something was going to happen to him it was scary i hated it but as soon as i started the meds i felt so much better but he still sleeps with me lol
  • @Landynplus1momma oh ok.... my daughter sleep's with me sometimes I sleep better with her by me!!!! I used to have dreams that I would fall down the stairs while holding my daughter and she would get hurt in the dream I didn't international hurt her but I had it every night ... I don't anymore thank god!!!
  • I think i have it again. I go back to work in a week. I feel overwhelmed n sad and like i need a break. I keep sayin im just tired.
  • @mama_busy_bee & @addi3886 yeah I'm gonna call and make an appointment tomorrow... my baby girl needs me to be a happy mama not down and depressed
  • Oh geez... Sometimes mommies get cranky. I'm Bipolar. Diagnosed before I had kids, I don't take pills for it, never have. I developed kidney failure when my oldest was 3 months old, the doctor said I had PPD cuz I cried ALL THE TIME. Literally 24/7. I said NO SIR! I'm MANIC DEPRESSIVE, THAT'S IT. My daughter wasn't allowed in that hospital... I didn't see her for an entire week. 'Course I'm gonna cry! Now, if depression is inhibiting your ability to care for that baby, you most likely have PPD. When I'm down, I have a good cry and 5 mins later I'm fantastic. Life and parenting is HARD. It takes some getting used to. Good luck mama!
  • I know I had it bad with my second but my mom refused to let me just deal...I'd ask her to. Take him she would refuse n just keep an eye on us I was. A single mommy....it was best thing she did for us
  • I tried takin my zolift that i quit during pregnancy. Hubby said i acted worse . Im trying mind over matter thinking....its not as bad ppd as i had 14years ago. My pp check up is in 2 days. If anything i want wellbutrin.. But im fighting it naturally. Yesterday was a bad day...i got sleep n feel better today.
  • @Fate Trust me I know life and parenting is hard!!! And I'm able to take care of my daughter just fine!!!
    I don't have any issues with taking care of her or anything I just like her seeing me like this
  • I understand. Go out in the sun! Apparently it has special crap in it that makes you happy. :) Feel better!
  • @Fate lol oh ok I didn't know that!!!
  • If left untreated it can lead to parenting issues I KNOW! I had it and was in great denial, my 3 yr old and I do not coexist very well BC of it. Please get evaluated and treated if needed. They can also do a blood test most people do not know that women suffering from ppd have lower levels of omega3 in their bodies.

    Good luck sweetheart
  • @soon2b3 I know!!! I'm just saying I don't have an issue now!! But I'm calling my doctor to make an appointment today!! :)
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