Anyone else had their baby diagnosed with a heart defects?????

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
Just wondered if anyone else had had their baby diagnosed with a heart defect?? My baby boy has a vsd (hole) and some other issues, just wanted to know if anyone else was going through this?/


  • yes my baby girl has the same thing I haven't made the follow up appointment yet I'm scared they said if its not closed up she's guna have to get surgery she's 2 1/2 weeks breaks my heart I'm sure she's fine but she's only a baby :(
  • @kristaf22 thanks im hoping he will be ok, just havent seen anyone who is going through teh same thing!
  • @0911Mommyof2 they said that he was large and would need to be operated on straight away but 5 weeks later its now just a medium hole so yay.... i think. how may weeks are you?
  • my 5 year old had the same exact thing . she is perfectly fine now,it fixed itself. good luck hope everything goes well :)
  • @snowflake thanks the consultant is v positive! :-D
  • My 3rd daughter was born w aoertic stenenos. Didn't know it until she was a day and half old. They did an echo and sent the reading to the childrens hospital where they said that we needed to be seen there immediately, so we were discharged from the hospital on sunday around 630 and by 1130 the next morning we were cking into the childrens hospital to be cked. They did another echo and then we seen the cardiologist where they explained to us what she had and what we would be dealing w. She was born in feb and with prayers we made it until she was 4 months when she had a little more size. They did an angioplast surgery w the catheter? Through the leg. She is now 2 1/2 and u couldn't tell she has a problem. She goes back yearly for a ck-up @ the childrens hospital to evaluate the situation.
    I understand that it is a very scary thing momma but have faith in god and find a good pediatric cardiologistthat u trust.
  • My son has a small hole. With most, it repairs shortly after birth...hIs didn't. I have to take him once a year to get it checked. It's smaller than at birth. If its not closed by 5yrs...they just go in a stitch it. It's a very simple cutting.
  • My daughter has 3 VSD's. They noticed when she was 2 days old. We had a bunch of testing and follow up appointments... they said most close by themselves by the baby's first birthday. She's 2 1/2 now and still has them but it's never been an issue! She goes back in 6 months for another appointment... we're hoping they are all closed by then. It's actually very common... hang in there and Good luck!
  • Im not too worried bout the hole but he also has an enlarged chamber and was showing signs of coarctation of the aorta and another small artery i think so its just the amount of things. the worse is the coarctation as he may go into heart failure without medication and surgery but luckily it seems to be improving. also thanks to u all for the support and ur own experience!
  • I have a cousin who was born with his heart backwards and on the wrong side of his chest. There is something else wrong as well but I can't honestly remember what the 3rd thing is right now. He just turned 18. He does have problems but he's just like any other teenage boy. His heart being on the wrong side actually saved his life recently. Some dumb boy was angry and stabbed him with a fork over high school drama ish. The boy stabbed in right were his heart should have been and would have killed him. He was so lucky.
  • havent had my baby yet but my boyfriend was born with a whole in his heart but it fixed itself hes now 25
  • @all had a bit more bad news will be taken off me within 12hrs to scan and most likely operate and max will probably spend his 1st month in hospital. :-(
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