how excited was your husband when you told him.

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My husband didn't even make it home before he told one of his best friends. Then the next day the whole shop knew. Lol.


  • Well I'm 21 n my boyfriend is 25 and we were n are currently seeking custody of his 4 year old daughter so we were in complete shock but after the shock wore off we were excited
  • My husband was more happy than me...
  • Same here my dude was thrilled, I was ready to kick him in the junk!!
  • My husband was excited all 3 times we found out we were pregnant. This last time he was able to keep it a secret until after our first appointment. I think he was more excited about this last one than I was... It was a shock for us too!
  • My husband is excited. I've barely told anyone yet bc I'm only 8 weeks, but he keeps telling everyone.
  • My bf is very excited.. He was actually mad that he wasnt with me when I took the test so I had to take another one with him in the bathroom so he didnt feel left out. Lol.
  • @Heather58824 that is super funny, poor girl...
  • my husband was extatic! I was siting on the toilet balling my eyes out crying because I was so scared and he was happy and crying because he was so happy! Who woulda thunk it!
  • My husband was kinda scared but really excited he's still a little scared just because this is our first baby but he can't wait for her to get here!!!!
  • My husband was excited for 3 of ours thos last w 1 is a suprise... Now he is excited lol
  • My husband is almost more excited that me, almost drives me crazy LOL, but bless him for being such a good man! :)
  • My hubby wasn't excited at all. This will be his 4th, 3rd w/ me and he never wanted any. He's snapped out of it now, he seems happy, even thinking of baby names!
  • My hubby was way more excited than i was lol. this is our third and it was a big fat surprise! (i was on BC and he had a V scheduled for this month!!!!) it took me a few weeks to come around!
  • Hubby was super excited at first telling everyone but although we were trying he wouldn't admit that to his friends. He acted like it was an oops. Yesterday I think reality hit and now he's all freaked out about his life being "over". Its pretty confusing for him I guess.
  • Mine was excited too. I sent him a picture of my digital pregnancy test. About 15 minutes later, he called and said, "Does that say what I think it says?" I told him "Yup! I'm pregnant!" He went "WOOO-HOOO!!!!" and told everyone at work, even all the customers. This is my first and his fourth.
  • My hubby was so excited. We were trying to conceive and thought we missed my ovulation date. He has been wanting a baby for so long. He has already picked names. It is a blessing and I am lucky to have such a supportive Husband.
  • My guy was a jerk not happy at all he said when did we start dating and started to add up dates like a dumb ass
  • He is super excited. He is upset that he is in jail can't be with me right now and tell everyone with me but he still can't wait to be with the both of us. He keeps tellin me stuff i don't need to do. The only thing i can do is lay in bed. . Husbands orders ha ha
  • My husband was very excited! It's our first and I got pregnant a month after our wedding. We weren't even trying to conceive! But God has blessed us with a son and it will be the first grandchild on his side:-)
  • My bf lost his mind! It was hilarious! I didn't even tell him I was taking the test, & we had just gotten off an all night shift together. I took it right after my shower & I came up the stairs & he started rambling about something. I just stood there looking at him, trying to figure out what I was going to say, because I was in shock. Finally he really looked at me & was like "what?". I said "you love me right?" & handed him the test & went to bed. He started yelling & screaming at 8 am on a Sat! I think he woke the neighbors! He jumped on the bed & was bouncing up & down like a little kid. I don't think I could ever of asked for a better response!
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