I put it in the middle with my first but now I have two so I put the new baby opposite the driver so it would be easier to look back if I had too. On the drivers side is easier for getting in and out so you are not running circles around the car. Honestly I think it is personal preference.
Our fire station wouldn't put it in the middle...they said the seats help with things flying from front seat...that it helps protect the baby during impact? They put ut behind passenger seat
Why do people say put it behind passenger before behind driver?? I took a driver safety course one time and they said the majority of crashes happen on the passenger side. Plus its more convenient. Maybe Im wrong????
I put her in the middle as an infant, but her seat has been behind the driver seat since she got out of an infant seat. If she's in the passenger seat, it's harder to get her strapped in and she's constantly distracting me, because she can see me, lol!!
I have one on each side since I dont have a middle seatbelt...the baby will go behind dads seat so he can carry the carseat and my 3 yo will go behind me so I can help him climb in and out without having to lift him