Naming My Pet Peeves... Join In!

I have no one else to vent these (silly) things to. But they need to get off my chest before I blow up in someone's face. So. Anytime something is bothering me about someone, I am going to mention it, one annoyance at a time, so as to "therapeutically" get it out. Lol... Please feel free to get rid of your personal angers and frustrations here!

I've decided I am going to avoid mentioning my BD. I'll be sure to take it up with him if he's doing something to piss me off...

Pet Peeve # 1: Roommate leaving the front door unlocked whenever he comes home for the night or leaves for the day, especially since I've been sleeping downstairs on the couch for the last couple of weeks. It wasn't unlocked when you opened the door, so put it back the way you found it! Thaaaaaanks.


  • Ha! I've been sleeping on the couch as well!
    #1- hubby leaving cabinet doors wide open!
    #2- hubby leaving the shower curtain open!
    Pretty much everything my husband does/does not do lol
  • Hey @lily_glz I'm curious as to why the shower curtain being left open is annoying. But only because I want to know if I should be yelling at anyone for it. I try to remember to leave it open so mold doesn't collect, but it's a bit past the point of no return on that one... on a "mold-proof" shower curtain. Smh...

    I refuse to sleep upstairs in bed now. I don't care how annoyed BD or our roommate is with it.
  • Its the mold thing! And it just looks ugly lol I don't want people coming in and seeing my shampoos, soap, VAGINA WASH! Lol .. so I guess I like to leave it closed? Or open? idk lol I like for you to be able to see my nice shower curtain, not my bath tub lol
  • 1. I hate when people wake me up.
    2. I hate being rushed.
  • 1. My roommate not putting the dishes she used away
    2. Same a s@bigtalkingtori's #1
    3. When she leaves all the lights on the in house! Ugh

    Pretty much anything she does, annoys me lol
  • @lily_gz I agree with the Damn curtain my husband doesn't get it!!!!!!
    1. Hubby drinking all the milk
    2. Hubby taking a shower and just throwing his clothes on the floor when there is a hamper for dirty clothes right infront of him.rawr
  • @armywife3, I hate being rushed too. everytime my husband or mil wants to go somewhere they think im supposed to be ready in ten min. ughhh

    @salasmommy Oooo Weee, do I agree with u on the clothes n the hamper thing.

    1. I hate when my hubby wakes me up while im sleeping
    2. I hate the fact that gooch our pit is an indoor dog n he just stinks no matter how much we bath his ass n he stinks up everything he lays on n when my daughter is born next month he better start getting used to the outside world with the other two dogs we have ughh lol okay im done :)
  • 1. People watching me and not offering to help...waddle around 7months preggo doing tasks that they're. completely capable of doing without any struggle.
    2. HEARTBURN!!!! Its taking over my appetite...;(
  • @Mrsthompson34 I mean I know my duty is to keep the house clean but gosh help me out alittle bit. Well ur works 12-15 yes a day so I know he is pooped but :( I never have a day where I'm like I officially left work. Bc I have my son forever
  • The sound of my dog licking himself, hell lay right next to me and start the licking. So gross.
    Not putting the recycling in the bins.
    dirty clothes on the floor
    toothpaste in the sink
    Using 15 glasses in one day
  • @salasmommy I was just talking about this with my mil earlier saying how a mothers work is never done its 24/7. u cook, clean, watch baby, u never just have time to urself really. I will have my daughter next month n I knoe im not gona get no help from my husband only my mil. ughhh

    u should get a babysitter for a couple of hrs n spend time with ur hubby???
  • @mrsthompson34 Omg I know I never have time for myself I get on pregly while I feed my son after I'm done with the dishes cooking dinner. And at least u have a mil well I do but roar. Lol and my mom has a four year old and a two year old so no help from her. I have never left him alone and he is going on five months I just dnt trust anyone.:(
  • @ekscvc14 uh the glass thing KILLS me!! I have had to go on strike from washing glasses/cups more than once because hubby will use a new one EVERY time and I find empty and half filled cups all over. Grrr!

    Not putting the toilet paper on the roll. Seriously you're SITTING RIGHT THERE why is this such a problem???

    Lights on during the day. There are windows, there is a huge ball called the DO NOT need to flip that switch!
  • @salasmommy I wouldnt trust anyone either. I trust my family but dont trust his. I would leave baby with my hubby, mil, n fil other than that I wont let his family touch my baby bc I heard his uncle n others touch up on kids which is sad. thas y after I give birth im not going back to work. my mom watches my nephew hes not even two yet n I have an 8 yr old brother. but girl, I do understand ur pain about being a housewife. I hope ur husband appreciate u n thinks ur the best mother/wife :)
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  • @mrs_shu my husband doesnt even throw the empty toilet roll in the trash when there is a trash can rite next to the toilet. ughhh
  • @mrsthompson34 that is sad but Omg keep your child away!!! See u have a 8yr old brother? My mom is 35 and she has a two yr old and a four yr old. And i think he appreciates me very much. It was hard for me bc I for married at 16 and him being 22. I felt he expected to much out of me. But he was always patient. I'm 19 now and well I think I did pretty good
  • @navywife lol I hate the talking to me while im sleep lmao. my husband does the same shyt n my mil also ughhhh.
  • @navywife ugh I should start not doing his laundry maybe he will learn!!! Omg I totally agree about the cooking part. the only thing I asked my hubby to cook is fajita and that is bc he is a Damn good barbecuebut other than that. stay out of the kithen. the kitchen is off limits. it only opens three times a day morning lunch and breakfast after it OS clean u better believe that's it for the day
  • @salasmommy u always tend to ur son n hubby thas great :) I knoe he appreciates u cuz ur not out there rippin n runnin the streets bc ur still young. my mom had my lil brother at 45. thats the love of her life lol n im 29. & u knoe ima be watching my baby I told my husband about his family history. I dont play that shyt.
  • breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • @mrsthompson34 wow u r at a very good age to have a baby!!! Successful lady! And it is awesome u have an eight year old brother! Yeah I would feel sad sometimes bc I heard of prom and walking with ur class. but I mean being a wife also brings benefits. I have my own house, a man who goes the extra mile for me, a beautiful son now, and I feel like I have accomplished so much skipping the crazy partying
  • @salasmommy, after graduating hs I always wanted to become a wife n have kids n be a stay at home mom bc my best cousin got married at 15 her marriage was arranged but shes still with him
    they just celebrated there 11 yr anniversary. it took me five yrs to concieve n I thank god im pregnant now so thas y I want to be a stay at home mom even more now bc ive been wanting a baby for so long. but im happy for u that u have a great husband that supports u n his baby, have a roof over ur head n pays the bills. not all girls r lucky like u mamas :) cuz u can be a 19 yr old with a baby n hubby just comes home bitchin non stop n he doesnt take care of business u kno???
  • @mrsthompson34 wow I am so glad u finally got preggo! Five years is a long time! And being a stay at home mom is great you get to go through everything with your baby I got the first smile the first.laugh. I just know him really well. N I deff agree there is lots of 19 yr old with bd that suck :( i was always glad that he was older than me because i felt like he had my back and he still does. :)
  • @salasmommy thanks :) im blessed. ohh I know I do not want to miss out on anything my baby does. I see ur son jake is a happy baby. he stays smiling lol he opens his mouth so big I bet when he kisses u he just eats ur face up cuz lmao thats what my nephew used to do haha.
  • @mrsthompson34 welcome, and he sure is he smiles a lot he doesn't know how to kiss yet but I have big cheeks like him and he tries to eat them. He is teething. So anything to scratch his gums will do the trick. It is so cute when they do that!
  • I was thinking about this sort of thread just the other day! :D

    1. People not using their turn signals. Drives me nuts. How hard is it to flick that little switch so people around you know you're turning, or going into a different lane? Ooo, this goes with those who don't flick on the signal until AFTER they've slowed/stopped at a turn. Really?
    2. Hubby never doing dishes/leaving all the dishes he uses in his office. and he would wonder why there wouldn't be any forks left. Hah, I'd just rewash what I used for the day and keep using that one.
    3. The toilet paper roll thing! Omg, I'll find empty ones when there's a trashcan right next to the toilet! Hubby again.
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  • I hate when my bf comes in my room in broad daylight and turns the lights on instead of opening the blinds
  • 1. People telling me their going to do things that they dont actually plan on doing
    2. my family not picking up the crap they leave laying around
    3. my husband leaving everything up to me.
    4. my husband leaving the front door unlocked when he gets home from work at 2am.
    idk alot more. i could be here all damn day
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