Successful VBAC!! **baby pics** (finally)

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
My dr wasn't to confident about it being successful but said I could try but not be disappointed if it ended in a c section. His plan was to induce me on the 18th which put me at 39 wks+1. Well last night I was laying down watching tv about to go to bed when I felt a pop and a gush of fluids. My water broke at 10 50pm got to l&d at midnight and was dilated to a 4. They recommended an epidural just in case I had to be rushed for a c section considering I was a VBAC . And it hurt like a b***h anyway lol. I was checked right before the epi and was a 6... 30 min later I was a 7 then felt like I needed to poop but of course it was baby. 5 min later I was fully dilated and +1. I was told not to push but my baby was coming the nurses tried to stop her from coming but i had another contraction and she came rite out. My dr didn't make it in time cuz the nurses called him too late he got here a few min after she was born, he was pissed... Anyways baby Emma Rose was born @ 245am 5 lbs 11oz. She is so precious. Enjoying my princess!


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