popping sound..?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I will be 36 weeks on Tuesday and for the last few weeks I hear a "popping" sound (for lack of a better way to say it) near where the baby is. At first I thought it was my ribs, but its all over my belly area. I don't think its the babys bones..? Just wondering if any one else knows what I'm talking about and what it actually is lol. Thanks ladies :)


  • I am 30 weeks and hear a lot of popping. Its from loosening of all my joints.
  • @bigmamak I guess that could be it..it just seems weird cause it doesn't seem to be coming from my hips or ribs or anything and if I try to crack my knuckes, I can't. Its like all my joints will stretch, but not crack lol. Thanks for the input :)
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