baby shower in the am HOW DO I CLEAN VASES? not a preggo thing

edited August 2011 in Baby showers
So my shower is at 2pm I work 6 to 12 so I will have little time between so I am running around like crazy trying to get things ready. I am making center pieces with roses feathers and sticks lol. I am REALLY NESTING haha I hope they look cool. Anyways I have several glass vases that needed to be cleaned so I soaked them all overnight with oxiclean. Poured it out in morning and the vases have a hard water loaking stain now?! Any ideas momma? They are not crystal but I am trying to not use anything to harsh. I am seriously freaking out right now. I have googled this already and tried everything amonia, a electric toothbrush, soap any preglys have any ideas??


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