When did you start showing?

edited August 2011 in Plus Sized Mama's
My prepregnancy weight was 202, and now i'm 207 @ 19 weeks pregnant. I'm just wondering when anyone around my size started looking preggers instead to tubby lol :) Also, when did your hubby start to feel the baby move? I can feel the little acrobat, but my hubby cant!

Thank ya :)


  • I am 215 and 21 weeks I started feeling him on the outside a couple days ago. But it take a lot of patientce. If I lay down I look pregnant standing up I just look fatter.
  • I dont know how to tag you! :) I just feel bad for my hubby and it kinda depresses me lol I hope that in two weeks he will be able to though! Thanks for giving me something to look forward too!!! I know exactly what you mean!!! Hopefully in a month or two we will look like cute lil preggers :)
  • Last time, I didn't show until the very end, like 36 weeks. This time, it was about 25. I can feel and see baby move on the outside, but hubby swears he can't. That's been since about 25 weeks too. I weigh about the same as you, but height and your uterus position can play a part too. I have a longer torso and a tilted uterus, so I show less than shorter girls.
  • I still don't look that prego nobody believes I'm already almost 8 months. I have a belly but its not real noticeable lol. 31 weeks 3 days btw
  • I start showing at about six months. I'm still really small doe
  • 195. Around 17 weeks.
  • @laura536 that makes sense! I never really thought of that other stuff :-?

    Everyones is so different!!! I know by belly has gotten bigger so that makes me feel good lol My poor hubby tries everyday to feel the baby lol I guess i'm gonna tell him that the babys all mine for a while \:D/
  • I didn't think about body type at all last time either and I was SO disappointed that my belly was small. And then a little shocked when she weighed 7 lbs 6 oz at birth, lol! But my Dr is actually the one who told me that my long torso was the reason I wasn't showing so much. She stretched up, instead of out. This time, I have that lovely muscle memory deal, so I did get big, faster, but I'm still not as big as other people due around the same time.
  • @laura536 I'm gonna have to talk to my doctor and see what he says! I kinda wondered if placenta periva was the reason why? Since the little one is set differently! And whats the muscle memory deal? Im a FTM :)
  • Oh, when you're a second time mom, your muscles remember the last time and your muscles get loose faster, because of a chemical. So you get bigger, faster. The location of your placenta could be why hubby can't feel it, if the placenta is in the front, it cushions the kicks. But 19 wks is still a little early for that.

    The plus side of staying small is less stretch marks! And I got to wear regular jeans my whole pregnancy last time and probably this time too!
  • @laura536 Thanks for explaining that for me! I feel so niave sometimes lol Yeah I figured but i just get so anxious sometimes lol Thats true!!! Im already in maternity shorts lol my tummys getting bigger but not preggers looking lol :)
  • I'm not sure of my pre pregnancy weight. I know last august I weighed 184. Then when I went to my first doctor appt in march I weight 169. I started showing probably around 24 weeks. It really depends on how isaiah laying in belly for me to look pregnant.
  • You're welcome!! It's easy to panic about everything...especially if you try to google the answer to something, lol!!
  • @stephforever89 Thanks for the input!!! I hope I start showing soon!!! I wanna put a picture up of my pregly belly lol
  • @laura536 I stopped googling pregnancy related stuff the week after I found out I was expecting! It made me too paranoid
  • I was quiet a bit heavier...I was 262lbs pre-pregnancy. I started showing around 12wks. Like an actual pooch. Hubby wasn't able to feel her move until around 24wks. He was convinced it was nothing...I could feel her moving on the outside around 21wks. Somewhere around 15-17wks I realized I could feel her moving around. I wasn't entirely sure at first and had myself convinced it was just air bubbles...I look back now and I know it was no air bubbles!
  • I'm 19 weeks today, and just this last week I've got the baby belly! Last week I looked the same.then all of a sudden there it is :) I'm around 200 I've been loosing weight about 15 lbs so far.
  • 134lb at 14weeks still only 136lb now at 24 weeks my belly is very pronounced.
  • I am 6ft1 265 prepreg and at 26 weeks I look pregnant from the side but not so much from the front! I haven't gained any weight, still just under 265, and you can see Brantley moving now! So it won't be long darlin!
  • @meredith83 thank you lol I see all these cute lil women and theyre pregger bellies and i just look at mine with gerrrrrrrr lol :)
  • I know how you feel! Being tall has its advantages but giving you a complex about your baby is not one of them!
  • Haha no, i imagine not!!! :)
  • Ok, so I am a plus size gal, I don't know 110% that I'm prego, but I have so many symptoms & my tummy is getting bigger, I mean I just look bigger, but is it growing bc of the baby......anyone experience this at 6 wks. I have low levels & am awaiting an u/s. I am nauseous a lot, frequent bathroom trips, tummy crampies/stretches, mooooody, cm discharge, fatigue, etc........anyone else???? Did anyone ever have low levels & not get a bfp for a while???
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  • @LMelanson Thank you for the input!!!! :) My husband literally tries to feel for the baby for like 30 seconds and then gives up.... He doesnt get that it doesnt work like that lol the other night he swore up and down that he felt the baby... But i'm only 20 weeks and I wasnt really paying attention so I'm not for sure if he did lol
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