I hope not its too early! But I'm having lower back contractions that last 3-5 minutes and about 7-10 minutes apart. It's been going on since midnight and I can't sleep! Should I go to L & D?
Yes! U should go! They'll try to stop your labor with some shots and might give you steroid shots too..im also preg with twins and have been to l&d 3 times since 26 w. Im now almost 34 and still having contractions and am on bedrest just praying I last at least 2 more weeks...good luck to you, plz keep us updated. Hope you and your babies will be fine .!
Better safe then sorry sweety, just go they will monitor you and the babies for a while..just know if they still do decide to come they will be fine, they'll just be in the nicu for a few weeks but hopefully they can wait a bit longer
I went @ around 3:30 cuz it just wasn't getting any better...got to L&D and I was having contractions every 10-15 minutes but my cervix was closed so they sent me home on zofran and pumped me up with fluids and pain medicine. Just woke up lol...now I'm starting to think it could be a friggin' kidney stone cuz I'm still in pain. Its constant in my right lower back false labor ain't no fun either but better safe than sorry. @Mama_Kat, Josie749
@Mama_Kat, Josie749