am i still hormonal or would you wanna smack her too?
Well yes I know I'm hormonal but still!
When it comes to my hubby's family I really do try to keep my mouth shut but today She making it hard. My MIL lives about 2 hours away, thank God! But she's made two trips to my house in the last 9 days. The 1st was the day my son was born, which was a mess in and of itself. She's lucky I don't lay into her ass for the way her and her sister treated my father.... but anyways. She shows up at my house this am and starts in as soon as she walks in wanting to know where HER baby is at. Bitch MY son is in bed with me cuz he was up fussing all night. Then she starts going threw my kitchen complaining about what food we do and don't have in the house and how IM not feeding her boys right. (Hubby doesn't know I herd all this cuz he thinks I was asleep) well hobby comes in to take Aydon to see his grandma. And I do my morning routine of pumping and getting dresses and go grab pop tarts so I can take my meds and she starts in on how hubby and I need to leave Aydon with her and go do something. I told her her b4 I'm not leaving my son with anyone until I'm ready. Do you really think I'm gonna be ready when he's 9 days old?!? I wasn't ready when he was 2 days old I really don't think much has changed in 7 days. Then she pulls out a baby picture of my son to show me That everyone at the hospital was wrong who said my son looks like me. REALLY! You gotta be that damn pathetic over someone saying my son has my nose or my lips. O but ears are definitely from me cuz she thinks they are shaped funny because there's a dimple in the back of each ear. News flash honey those are my ears and I'm proud of it!!! And as far as his lips and nose go even your son says they are from me so f**k off! I'm so ready for her to leave!!! My hubby knew my sis who I see once a year is making a special trip to town today and its his last day of vacation and yet he told her it was OK if she came over any way, really I could slap him right now. I just decided to go to my room and pump to get away from her.
When it comes to my hubby's family I really do try to keep my mouth shut but today She making it hard. My MIL lives about 2 hours away, thank God! But she's made two trips to my house in the last 9 days. The 1st was the day my son was born, which was a mess in and of itself. She's lucky I don't lay into her ass for the way her and her sister treated my father.... but anyways. She shows up at my house this am and starts in as soon as she walks in wanting to know where HER baby is at. Bitch MY son is in bed with me cuz he was up fussing all night. Then she starts going threw my kitchen complaining about what food we do and don't have in the house and how IM not feeding her boys right. (Hubby doesn't know I herd all this cuz he thinks I was asleep) well hobby comes in to take Aydon to see his grandma. And I do my morning routine of pumping and getting dresses and go grab pop tarts so I can take my meds and she starts in on how hubby and I need to leave Aydon with her and go do something. I told her her b4 I'm not leaving my son with anyone until I'm ready. Do you really think I'm gonna be ready when he's 9 days old?!? I wasn't ready when he was 2 days old I really don't think much has changed in 7 days. Then she pulls out a baby picture of my son to show me That everyone at the hospital was wrong who said my son looks like me. REALLY! You gotta be that damn pathetic over someone saying my son has my nose or my lips. O but ears are definitely from me cuz she thinks they are shaped funny because there's a dimple in the back of each ear. News flash honey those are my ears and I'm proud of it!!! And as far as his lips and nose go even your son says they are from me so f**k off! I'm so ready for her to leave!!! My hubby knew my sis who I see once a year is making a special trip to town today and its his last day of vacation and yet he told her it was OK if she came over any way, really I could slap him right now. I just decided to go to my room and pump to get away from her.
But the idiot kept swaddling Aydon while it was 80° in the house so now I'm trying to get his temperature back down.