Unique boys names

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I cant decide on my lil mans name...1st it was Kason James, then i decided Jaxson James...now im not sure but James is the definite middle name after my dad..Ladies any suggestions


  • I like Madden and Maddox
  • My husbands god son is named Caselin (pron. Case Lynn)
  • If we ever have a boy it will be Anderson as in Andrew's son bc my husbands name is Andrew.
  • I like carson
  • Casin, jace, jacolby, chance, umm th er es a rew
  • I'm gonna name my boy sylis james hunt
  • Cullen James, Kayden James,
  • Lelannd, leithen,carson,camdon,riley,,,, I loved these huby hates them,,, sucks and hayden,,,,,cus I already have a haylee,
  • I say if your wanting unique I wouldn't go with Jaxson That is like the most popular name right now I know at least 7 kids with that name. I like very unusual names that way my kid won't have 10 other kids their class with the same name...however its still a cute name! Personally I like kason!
  • Casin is a milk derrivative. I love the sound of the name, but to anyone who reads nutition labels it would be like naming a kid Sucrose.
  • My mom wants me to name my baby chancelor philip like some soap opera she watches, I like aiden, triston, chance,cameron,and justice boyfriend likes mason. N that jaxon is cute, might have to suggest that one to my bf
  • I want to name my son with a C...like my first name but I haven't read anything to appealing to me ...but I have a ways to go

    I like Jaxson

  • My First sons name is ezekiel omadayis, and my baby to be is Eli zachary.
  • Thanks ladies...I also like the name Lennox, I need to decide i will be induced on tues...
  • My stepsons name is Raistlin. Its from a fantasy novel my husband loves and he was determined to name his son after the character. Its pronounced Rayst-Lin.
  • i was leaning tword Jaxson for my little one but now that I see how popular it is...i am reconsidering! No offense to anyone who picks it...but I have a really popular name (ashley) and it sucks big time!
  • Our 8 month old's name is Trevon James. James is after my father too. Our 2 year old's name is Zavian which means smiling. Oh yeah, Trevon means thunder :) (he was a real kicker lol
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