i hope someone can ease my mind...

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
My baby is 6 days old, she can wait between nursing anywhere from 2 hours to as long as 4 hours. Her usual time is 10 min. I've had to use the breast shield and trying to break that habit. I feel like she doesn't eat enough. Does anyone else's baby nurse so little and is it ok? Also I suck at it, I had help from the lactation consultant and fam n do good when they're assisting me but then I'm alone n can't get it right. Maybe in just being paranoid?


  • I nursed all three of mine. My daugherty was like that. After about a week and a half she started going longer. Lactation told me it was because my milk wasnt in and I was feeding her too often (every two hours instead of three) so she wasnt as hungry as she should be. Good luck!
  • Some babys can feed in 5 minutes and be done.. some take 30 minutes. I would say give it a little more time and see how things go. Don't give up :)
  • does she just fall asleep after ten mins? they told me to undress her or rub her to keep her awake so she'll eat longer..
    I have a problem getting her to latch on to one of them but ive realized if I make it hard before she latches on then everything is fine..
  • Sometimes my daughter nurses for forty minutes, sometimes for ten minutes. If they don't seem upset/still hungry after, I can't see length of time being a big deal..
  • You can tell if she's eating enough from dirty diapers, since she's still very young. She might poop everytime you feed her. I've been breastfeeding for almost a month and her poops just now slowed down. Ten minutes is a good amount of time. :) You're doing great.
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  • You should be having her 2 week checkup soon and the pediatrician will be able to assure you everything is fine. But from the information you provided It sounds like your doing everything right. :)
  • My son is 8 days old and eats about every hour.. It is so demanding on me physically and emotionally, I almost switched to bottle/formula cause 1i didn't think he was getting enough and 2 I just need the extra help from someone to feed him. I haven't switched yet cause Id feel guilty if I did.. I feel I'm going crazy with this..
  • @mamapalmar Aww that sucks. Breastfeeding is hard huh but that's why we're so awesome:) my babe has been wanting more today, not every hour n I can imagine how straining that can be:( keep up the good work mama
  • My pediatrician told me that baby gets the majority of milk within the first five minutes. :O But she still said to nurse for 10-15 mins. on each side so that 1)Baby gets the hind milk and 2) to keep your supply from going down. Hope that helps!
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