does labor hurt that bad?!

edited February 2011 in Giving birth
It freaks me out juat thinking about it.


  • I was freaked I will not lie, but once ur in that bed and you have everyone there to help u it will kind of sink in that ur gonna be fine. I remember turning to my husband saying I don't think I want to have a baby now and bless him he tried his best not to laugh. I had an epidural and once I had that i was able to relax and I also had about 3 things go wrong during labor. I was calm and the drs took care of me. There is no reason to be scared I had an emergency c section and the thought always terrified me and in reality it was so simple I am happy it went that way.
  • Dont c sections hurt for a while after
  • I tell you what when you go into labour try not 2 lay on your back, it slows things down and can make it more painful its best 2 walk sit or bounce on a exercise ball, my psin wasnt to bad its more just like massive pressure hard 2 explain all the best anyway and yes there is post opperated pain associated with a csection but it eventually goes away
  • Yes. Contractions are no joke, when they are coming faster, stronger and longer as labor progresses. But an epidural eases all that....
  • My friend that had the epidural said it was fine but it made it to where her back is in so much pain now..
  • I never had back pain and most of the pain with the c section I had was not normal my incision closed to fast and did not drain so my Dr had to open it back up twice but he said he had never had that prob before I will be having a c section this time as well because of all the probs I had last time
  • Also walking and not laying is good as long as ur water hasn't broke
  • It hurts like hell......but you forget it in seconds when babys here. I'm kinda sad that I'm actually looking forward to the labour cause I love the feeling when the heads out and the rest of baby just slips out. I remember with the first crying and asking hubby if I could go home cause is changed my mind. He laughed so hard I thought he was gonna wet himself. I screamed though the whole thing then when I was handed my little girl I was like "god that was easy, I want another" lol. Just think if it was that bad we would only have 1 x (this is my 3rd) your body is made for this x x
  • Those contractions hurt so bad I tried to go natural and my bf/bd at the time was trying to encourage me to keep going but when he couldn't stand to me in so much pain he was thrilled I asked for the epi and I was glad I got it
    After that I felt nothing except pressure when her head was coming down and told my doctor I need to push
  • They gave me an epideral at 3 cm and I didn't feel a thing other than pressure but those first contraction were a b****
  • Yes but as soon as you hold your baby for the first time you forget bout it an before you knw it your planin on your next baby lol this babys my 3d im 30wks an im 25y
  • Honestly labor was not painful for me at all just pressure. I even fell asleep between contractions... I thinly I psyched myself out prior to labor so I guess it depends on the person...
  • @luvmyboobs your so lucky I can only hope an pray mine gos like yurs lol. :-)
  • Is there things to do to help labor? Pain and length.
  • Maybe tmi but does it smell? I mean all the sweat and other body fluids its gotta be weird having your bf see you like that. Im still trying to convince mine to not be in the delivery room.
  • Everyone is different, i had no pain until 8 1/2 cm. Dilated! I had it with out the epidural and it wasnt so much a hell of a pain it was only like i needed to take a sh*t so bad!!! It was the baby!! So i can say just stay positive walk, even around the hospital if you get there early! I can say, mine was preatty easy!
  • I have already had two 9 lb babys with no pain meds what so ever no labor is not as bad as people say and the ones that say it is are just pansies
  • Every one and every baby is different. My first one hurt. Yes, not gonna lie. Its not a normal kind of pain though. And there are breaks between every contraction so you rest in between. And by the time he was out, it was all good :) I had both mine natural, and my second was much easyer. Contractions wern't bad at all they were just uncomfortable, then in the end more intence, but only pushed for a bit then it was all over. Had my beautiful baby girl in my arms. Its hard not to stress about it, but its really nothing you cant handle. And as soon as baby is here, its nothing but joy :)
  • I'm starting to think I just have a high pain threshold cuz my Dr thinks I'm a freak, lol!! My first I was 17 and had crazy high bp, but they let me wait on the epidural till I was n pain, which wasn't till 7cm. I dont think the epidural hurts at all... in fact I didn't feel it happen at all. #2 I almost missed out on getting it at all because I really didn't start hurting till bout 9, and I hear my anesthesiologist was literally running across the hospital to get there b4 I had to start pushing, lol!! Hooray Dr Wilson!! And #3 was a c-section. I didn't have to take any pain meds at all after it. The worst thing was a rash I got from the spinal they did. So itchy. So yeah, my Dr thinks I'm a freak, lol!!
  • Everyone doubted me when I said I was going to have a natural birth. Well I did it and the pain wasn't as bad as what they said.
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  • Yes it HURTS
  • Yes, it hurts THAT bad. I had twins naturally...needless to say 28 hours and two seven pound babies later I am planning an epidural for this one. ;)
  • Our bodies are made to endure these things. I'm planning on a 100% natural birth. Kit know that yes, it will hurt, but the pain doesn't last forever and the reward you get is amazing. Look into different techniques that can naturally ease your pain such as taking a bath, walking, relaxation and meditation techniques, soothing music with gental massage, have a good support system to tell you that you are doing great....etc. some helpful sites are , and ,
  • My first Baby was at my 19 years old and without epidural, that was not easy hurts they had to use a medicine on me because i was taken to long to get the baby out and that hurst much, but not too much i mean one lady in the other room was screaming like a crazy and that was her 4 baby. My labor took 12 hours. And it hurts but not like for scream. While you are calm and breath well is a great experience
  • I went natural with my first almost 9lb baby no pain meds and was induced with my 2nd almost 9 lb baby and no pain meds again and I have to say bein induced was not much worse than natural so I am doin no pain meds again for this baby and they say this one is gonna be around 10 lbs
  • Labor is just that- labor. Hard but so worth it. I got an epidural with all of mine. My first was 12 hrs labor 9'2" baby boy, second was 12 hrs 8'3" baby boy and third was 4 hrs 8'2" baby boy. After the epidural you are so much more relaxed but when it is time your body will let u know.
  • Gosh darn it does hurt honey but like everyone says if it gets to much get the epidural...I've had two with a walking epidural they shut it off when it was time to push so half natural and then an emergency c section... the first after wasn't so bad the second after hurt pretty bad lots of cramping after... the third... c section... maybe because it was an emergency holy dang... it hurt like hell and was hard to get going again... also my bodys never been the same again...:-( hope all goes smoothly and have faith in yourself enough to just take things as they go don't have a "plan" just go with it every birth is different u never know this one could be one of the ones that goes great with limited pain and no need for any epidural...good luck
  • labor is a process and it comes in waves. yes it hurts like holy hell. but its over the second baby is out. pain literally gone after the last push. and then you get a bitchin natural rush.
  • I did all natural and the pain wasn't that bad. I had back labor because thr baby was facing the wrong way so it should have been worse then a normal birth. I didn't rip because I was going at my own pace. And at no time did my doc say sorry your taking too long we need to speed this up.

    The hard part of getting pitocin is that it make you contractions unbarable. The hard part of getting an epi is it might not take, and it eliminates you natural pain relivers and rush of endurance (hints the sleepy time for most epi moms) and the bigest scary thing is having to get a c-section.

    With my natural birth I was wide awake aware of everything, not too much pain because my body naturally released the chemicals I needed to get through it, and best of all I was fully healed in 3 weeks.

    And for the girls worried about the smell, I didn't notice or feel gross unil after baby was delivered. But no epi ment I could get up and take a shower really quick befor they were done cleaning and checking baby :)
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