just got done with my baby shower and..............

edited August 2011 in Baby showers
It was a BLAST. My son has more clothes then any lil boy ever needs. We have two walk in closets and the bags stack up and take up the whole closet no exageration.... Sooo many avent bottles (my fav) and diapers. My friend bought us a tub of like 350 diapers and a bunch of wipes swings diaper genies and everything we could possible need. Sooo happy and then the foood yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm I had a lot of fun.


  • Lol that's great :)
  • :-bd that's great yay!! Can't wait to have 1
  • Awww that was great! Mine was great too. My baby got lots of shoes yesterday lol everybrand more then any other women!
  • Yay! Glad to hear yours was a success! I can't wait till mine sept 17 but I will be less than 3 weeks from having my baby! I hope I'm not too uncomfortable
  • Aww that's so great!! Mine was great too! My child has everything he could need. Its awesome to have so much support :)
  • Great glad you had a blast!!!
  • Thank you ladies I wa nervous no one would come eik but luckily they did.
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