So me and my husband got into a huge fight over nothing and I really don't know where is puts us at. I'm tired of fighting with him and crying and him not caring at all. It's so hard.
All I do with my sons father is argue so I know what u can b so insensitive at the wrong sucks but the .best thing is for u not to get stressed or argue and never let it turn physical
@preggointx he drives me insane obviously I still love him but I don't know how much more I can handle. I'm so stressed trying to make him happy and then it bites me in the butt. I just hate feelingg like this.
If your guy has a problem he won't listen or care about yours, we have an agreement that we will each care about each other's issues because we are different people with different things that hurt us. Nothing is stupid. When I'm mad I tell him I have a problem and ask him if there is anything bothering him about me, and if it is a good time to talk. They don't like to be put on the spot. I deal with his problem first, then mine. I offer solutions and we compromise on the issues but there are times to put the foot down on deal breakers. Keep calm you love him and will forgive him, ultimately you want him to care and have a solution so it won't happen again, he can't take the pain away and sometimes we need space to get over it instead of yelling anger and frustration at each other. Don't forget to apologize if you yell or are mean you have the excuse of hormones now and let him know it hurts you when you hurt him out of anger. He wants to know his feelings matter. Its taken me 9 years to this you must realize you control the situation. Good luck, I've told my guy if I'm mad I can't control this like pms I could get a handle on it, and to just leave if I'm snapping at him until my mood swing swings.