LOL. I pooped with my first. No biggie. They wipe it away before anyone could possibly notice. But, if you prefer, use the potty before your trip to the hospital.
@mrsg@fate@newmominsept lol I just don't want to I'll feel so embarrassed especially with my man, his mom and my mom in the room. I can only imagine passing gas and pooping as I'm trying to push. I know they say its normal and is actually a good sign because that lets them know I'm pushing right but I just don't want to. :-(
Take a stool softener then sweetie. I had my hubby, his dad, his mom, his sister, my mom, my sister, my dad all in the room for my first. Hard to believe nobody noticed that I crapped myself... :-?
Idk how ure going to have ur mom and his mom in the room... Man... I'm not having my hubby below my waist. I don't want him seeing any of that!! Is be way too embarrassed!!
I told my MIL tonight no offense but u guys can't be in there. She got this look on her face like "thank God!" So I'm pretty sure she was relieved. Haha. And my parents are pretty prissy so I'm sure they won't want to be in there either. In our baby class we watched of the.birth and I'm sure that scared my hubby from looking at baby coming out. Haha. U should rent a video of birth and show it to all of them and see if they still want to be in the room. But I think ill def want ur bd in there for support :-)
i was so scared that i was going to but once it all started that was the last thing on my mind.. i didnt even think about if i did or didnt til like 2 weeks later when someone asked if i did.. l0l! .. so im not sure if i did or not. guess ill never know. l0l!
@newmominsept Oh no my mil wants to be in there she wants to be in the room with everyone when their having their baby she thinks she's some type of birthing coach lol.
l0l.. well hopefully you dont. there was to much going on for me to think about it at all. and to much noise also. there was like 20 nurse's and dr's in there running around.
@newmominsept lol idk either I know I'm going to end up kicking them all out even my man he like to joke around too much.
@fate well I hope they don't notice even though they will probably be holding my legs.
@mrsg they don't listen! Lol
@newmominsept yeah they say she is but I don't care but in the back of my mind I think she'll be the only one I don't kick out. I like her lol.
there was to much going on for me to think about it at all. and to much noise also. there was like 20 nurse's and dr's in there running around.
lol maybe I shouldn't worry about it so much @ittybitty