gracelyn halley's birth story

edited August 2011 in Birth Stories
Well it wasn't as bad as I thought :) I started getting period like cramps at about 8pm on the second I didn't really think anything of it at first n they didn't hurt that bad. Nine rolls around n they r starting to get more uncomfortable but again I thought nothing of it. By nine thirty they were getting pretty bad n I thought something might be up. I decided to get in a warm bath to see if that would help. I called my mom while in the tub n told her I was having bad contractions, at this point I knew somethin was going on. She told me they went that bad cause I could still talk through them I bagged to differ. I got out of the tub cause I was uncomfy. I talked my brothers gf into going on a walk around town with me hoping that would help. It hurt so bad but I did it. I got home n all I could do was stand behind my dads chair out back bent over rocking back n forth. My fiance called the doc at 10:15 to see Wat we should do. She said to come on in or wait it was our choice. Well by ten thirty I was on my knees on the floor with tears running down my face, so we left. It was the longest 15 min car ride of my life! We got in l&d and I was dialated to a 3 or 4 with bad contractions. They wanted me to sit in the jacuzzi tub for an hour then they wanted to check me. I made it 20min before I called the nurse in cause it hurt so bad. She got me out n started an iv with some pain meds then checked me. I was at 6cm at that point to they decided to give me my epidural. I was so nervous about it but it was a piece of cake n didn't hurt at all. I got my second dose of epi around 3 am n was at an eight. I was tryin to take a nap by then. Nurse came back at five checked me n said I was fully dialated n kicked my parents out of the room. I started to push around 530. They had me playing tug of war with a sheet with the nurse to push till about 630. I found that rather strange.... by 7:12am my beautiful baby gracelyn was here. They put her on my chest instantly as soon as I started talking to her she stopped crying and opened her eyes to.look at me :) she weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 21 and a half inches long. She is perfectly healthy n is such a wonderful baby she isn't fussy or anything. I love her more then words can say. She changed my life in an instant n I am so greatful for that. She is wonderful at home n both my dogs r great with her n love giving her kisses I'm the happiest I have ever been n I have my daughter n fiance to thank for it.


  • @mommakk88 Yay! And congrats! *I did the sheet thing finally after nearly 3 hours of pushing, it really helped me to curl around the baby/tummy and push.
  • Yay Congrats!!! How did the Jacuzzi make you contractions feel worse or better???
  • Aww! Congrats! :)
  • @misskristin yeah it helped a lot I just thought it was alittle weird lol n thank u :)

    @mybabe it didn't really help at all I found myself gripping the side on the tub during each contraction lol the water felt nice but it didn't really make them worse or better the only thing that seemed to help was standing up n slightly bending over n rocking my hips back n forth.

    @babymcbride8_27 thank you :)
  • Congratulations
  • Congratulations
  • Please explain the sheet thing... I like to know options to help!!! Lol!!!
  • OMGosh and how can I forget... Congrats!!!!
  • Congrats momma!
  • Congrats on your new little princess! \:D/
  • @Lilbit01_209 the nurse stood at the end of the bed n I was laying on my back she took a bed sheet n grabbed one end I grabbed the other. She told me when I have a contraction to grab the sheet n try to pull her in the bed with me n that she was going to try n pull me out of bed. She had me take a deep breath n pull for as long as I could then to relax for a chance to take another deep breath n do it again in sets of three n fours. It helped so much n thank goodness cause towards the end of my pushing (last three pushes) I got a fever n Gracies heart rate started to go up. Lucky me it only took two pushes after they told me if it took more then three pushes they were going to use the vacuum to get her out. I wasn't letting that happen! Lol
  • aand thank you :)
  • @texasmama3x @Dec10 @2girls_1boy @txmoorekat @mya219 thank u all very much she is such a wonderful baby I'm so blessed she is not fussy at all n only cries when hungry or she needs to be changed. she sleeps three hours at a time n eats like a champ :) her five day appt she was 7lbs 2oz n 19 n 1/4 inches long. I have so much love for her being a ftm is amazing. and I'm so glad my dogs r so great with her :)
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  • Awww congrats love the name!
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  • Nice birth story ...Congratz ;-)
  • @tricesbaby thank you n it did help a lot it forces your pushes more down without u having to think about it.
    @serenitysmom thank you very much its after my fiances grandma grace that passed away I wanted to add the lyn to it so he let me lol
    @simplyraven22406 thank u :)
    @Karenlove y thank u lol I was soo nervous n scared I wouldn't want to do it again, but I would in a heart beat.
    @claudia25 it was nice n fast it seemed way faster then it was. I was shocked actually.
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