How do you ladies sleep at night

edited August 2011 in Sleep
I try to force myself to take naps but that always falls through then I also try to sleep at night I sleep for an hour only to be back up looking on pregly...smh... I'm 26weeks any tips on how to sleep apparently I have forgotten?!?! :/


  • I don't :/ not because of pregly. I just go to bed when the bf has to, I'm usially tired, but then I'm awake for another hr or two. Then when I do fall asleep, I get up every 1-1.5 hours to fucking pee! Lol. I am able to take day naps, but its messed up my schedule like noooo other.
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  • I can't really help I don't sleep regularly but I did have to move my phone from my night stand so I won't be tempted to check it cause then I would stay up on my phone for hours in the middle of the night....
  • Some nights I sleep great other nights not so much :(
  • I only slept for 2 or 3 hours before I woke up to go pee. Then I couldn't sleep because I'm nesting terribly but I don't have the energy to clean. :(( Ugh!!!!
  • @VictoriaB I clean all during the day since I'm on school break and I still am not exhausted enough to take a nap...

    @pregoagainYaY at least you get some I get none LOL!!!

    @twinmamatobe if I put my phone in the living room if I get board enough I will still go get it at night LOL I've tried that numerous times!!!

    @lmelanson I have a body pillow as well it just gets in my way!!! And we cannot be friends for the simple fact you sleep LOL!!!

    @caroline8_p if I could just get a nap in it would be great because I have no schedule to mess up right now LOL I never sleep!!! I feel like a walking zombie....
  • I sleep with pillows between my legs, I hug my body pillow, an I have 3 pillows behind me lol. But I still get up every two hours to pee an after 5 or 6 hours I get so sore nothing helps.
  • Sleep? What's that?
  • Omg! We r supposed to be sleeping??? I'm screwed.
  • I don't. I don't think I even know what real sleep is anymore.
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  • I'm 34 weeks n sometimes I sleep like a baby... a few other nights.... I toss and turn and don't sleep at all. As long as I have a full belly I usually will sleep through the night lol
  • @nicoleok87 lol!

    @MyBabe Unfortunately, I can't be of much help. The best I can say is if you wake up, don't let yourself move too terribly much. Roll over if you need to, but keep your eyes closed. Continue on whatever thought you woke up to, don't let your mind wander. If you sleep with music playing, make sure the music keeps going. I woke up every 2 hours last night because my playlist would end (and silly me didn't think to put it on repeat). Just try to maintain homeostasis and don't let your sleeping environment change too much when you wake up.
  • @emy @mythica thanks I will try it ill try anything about now!!!
    @k_babix0 I eat all damn day and I still can't sleep not even a freakn nap LOL!!!
    @Gatorbob I'm going to start sleeping on my couch!!! This is too much trying different remedies LOL!!!
    @yaya @tlj2011 @nicoleok87 yea I just found out we are suppose to sleep through the night LOL!!!
  • Sleep lol whats that again cuz I forgot
  • I don't get much sleep, between the peeing ever 1 hour and now I'm sick (thanks to my 7yo). I miss it so much and I know in the next 5 weeks or so there will be a lot less. :-((
  • I'm almost 34 weeks and I don't know what sleep is lol napping works sometimes
  • @natalynandtjsmom I rather have my baby here at least it will be worth staying up!!!
  • I pee to much to get any real sleep. I was trying to take a nap on the couch while the toddler desemated my livingroom but he kept jumping on my belly *I cried it hurt so bad* so I gave up. Now hes in bed taking a nap but my belly is still to sore to try to sleep
  • @babiescomin2011 I have to start trying naps it really hard I never knew it would be so tough to sleep LOL!!!
  • i didn't sleep much...w/having to pee like almost every hr of the night!
  • I dont sleep well at tall... I'm 32 weeks and baby makes it hard to sleep comfortably.
  • @nameless @lovtra we have to figure something out we need sleep How are we going to care for our Lil ones with little to no sleep??? :-?
  • Im not even thinking about the no sleeping part when she comes and the dozing off when Im feeding her.....ughhh!!!! i guess waking up every hr is preparing me :)
  • @nameless I agree that is true!!!
  • I don't sleep anymore between baby kicks, peeing & pelvic pain I just can't do it
  • @armymommy how could I forget bout the pelvic pain mine are sharp and random they make me jump up at night I don't dowell with pain LOL!!!
  • Mine too! Feels like I'm being stabbed. Lol
  • Oh we are!?!? Lol. Silly me, I've been staying up, rolling out of bed to go pee e erg 30mins and not being allowed to sleep. I lay on one side then he decides he wants to lay on that too. My man wants to steal all the covers or cuddle and it makes me uncomfortable. I can't wait to finally sleep again.
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