Just want it to be October already!

I feel like I'm loosing my mind! Every time I use the restroom I'm afraid that there is going to be blood. I just need it to be October already and be in my second trimester. I'm just scared of loosing this baby. I called my doctor because I have been feeling what to me is period cramping and it just didn't seem right. They told me that as long as there isn't blood then I have nothing to be worried about. They also told me no sex until I'm out of my first trimester. I just want to be a normal pregnant woman with no worries and just enjoy being pregnant but I cant. I feel like every little thing is going to make me miscarry.

The hubby isn't being real supportive towards me either. It just seems like no matter what I tell him, he's not interested. He doesn't want to come to any doctors appointments with me and I just feel like crap about it. I want to be happy and not depressed and scared 24/7.

Sorry for the vent. I just have no one to talk to :-(


  • I'm sure you'll be just fine. Try to take it easy and try not to stress... I bled my whole first trimester and was on bed rest. I'm now in my third and doing much better... Good thoughts to you!!!
  • Girl let me tell you once you find a woman with a normal pregnancy you let me no because I need her body LOL!!! Cheer up why are you thinking miscarriage so often have you had one before??? Men are special creatures to say the least and he will be at the birth right?? I think that's What really matters to me...
  • @MyBabe i had a m/c in april and i just dont want it to happen again. And as far as the normal pregnancy i just dont wanna worry about the bad things but thats all i worry about. He says he will be but who knows. He just doesnt seem interested and i want him to be.

    @cupkake80 i really hope everything is gonna be ok. Thank you
  • Im sorry to hear tgat.. Well I hope you can find away to reduce your fears so you can enjoy your pregnancy!!!
  • I'm sorry you're under so much stress... but you know, even with a perfectly normal pregnancy and no complications, I worried about loss constantly in the first and second trimester and now in my third, I worry he won't be big enough or the birth will come with complications. It's just a mama's nature to worry - and it's perfectly normal. Just try to relax, get lots of water, healthy food and love your baby. As for daddies - it takes them a little longer to connect. My husband started really connecting after our gender ultrasound and still more when baby started moving and responding to him. Be patient ;-) Wishing you peace...
  • @ourlittlenugget i know a lot of women are like that its just hard to relax when i just had a m/c 4 months ago. I think once im our of my first trimester i will be a lot more relaxed. Thank you
  • I know that must make it so much worse... prayers and (((hugs)))... :-)
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