glad im not in labor today, id never make it to the hospital!
Anyone live near DC by 95 north and south? So starting today at like 4am there has been accident after accident on the highways. 1st was an 18 wheeler that blew up, was on fire and taking up 3 lanes so every lane was shut down. For.those not around here that's the main.hub into the nations capital. Needless to say hubby didn't make work either. Then going south bound like a few hours after that accident ppl weren't paying attention and cars started crashing in the opposition direction! No way in or out of DC! They cleared all of that up now by my exit another crash happened! They had to call medi vac cuz it was bad, they landed the chopper right on the highway! My hospital is an.hour north so if I went into labor I'd have to the hospital by my house and they would have to fly me to the hospital an hour drive away. Man I hope I don't go into labor today, but I'm glad it happened today cuz I got an appt tomorrow...I'll leave early just in case!