Waiting for my water to break

I think ive beeen waiting since 28.weeks when I was on preterm labor scare. and since my baby had her head down. Then that nasty booger fell out sunday ( mucus plug ) lmfao But now 37 weeks on friday ( goin by my first due date sept 2nd ) or 35 weeks ( goin by my second due date sept 14 ) my doctor tells me today im 3 cm dialated and should be going in real soon. He tried to make it seem like this week because he says no sex and that one more cm I will be in active labor. oh boy miss scarlett aubree will you make your grand entrance on the red carpet already....


  • Awe how exciting! Its almost time! I have 5 weeks left. But I'm going to try to have her come out in 3. (:
  • Yes it feels like I waited a eternity lol and try to push early is how I got here lol I didnt even use any techniques yet
  • Aww sooo jealous! I'm 37+3 (with 1st dd) 38+1 (with 2nd dd) and I'm 1 lousy cm dilated lol I go tomorrow hopefully I've made progress
  • hey my daughter middle name is Aubree also...my first dd was 9/14 now its 9/10 ii got 5 weekd left im READY u said trying to push will make u dilate???? I've been walking & eating pineapples
  • Im due sept 1st, last tuesday I was a fingertip dialted, I've been walking, bouncing on a ball and eating pineapples... I go to my weekly appt tomorrow hopefully I've dialated more im ready for him to come out too!! I haven't lost my plug :(
  • @lily_glz I hope u made progress tooo :x

    @jellybeans_mommy awww how cool.... yes ive been wamting to push her out for a while im all belly so its no room for.her so.movements she do or I do hurt What I do was

    Walkin and sex my wholeee pregnancy
    The ball since my 3rd trimester
    So idk if that helped....

    @letysfirst I didnt kno I lost mine I got the last of it....it must have fell out durin a shower sex or bathroom use. I kno how u feel I sooo want this lil one out...
  • Lol I like how you worded that last sentence on the first post. I kinda like being pregnant at 28 weeks i enjoy the baby's company. Who knows maybe I'll want it out like everyone else does in the last weeks!
  • oh.. her movements hurt too my pelvis back legs everything else idk if ii diakay
  • your little girl is coming soon. That's great news. I'm due 9/2 or 9/1 depending on who you ask. I'm to will little Noah to come earlier. At doc appt yesterday I want dilated at all, but his head is really low. I'm trying to walk as much as I can.
  • @beawesome thanks! I did too love her company but shes killin me inside lol shes too big And wen u get to the final reach u wanna get.it over

    @jellybeans_mommy why do these lil ppl hurt so much ugh I kno I will not do this again lol

    @menemami when they head is low thats the first.sign my baby was always low then the dialation. The way she move make think she got her own plans on when to break the water lol
  • Wow 3 centimeters, lucky! I'm gonna be 38 weeks in 2 days and get checked for the first time Friday I'm so excited and would love love love to be 3 cm. Fingers crossed :)
  • @beawesome give it 10 more weeks. Lol I'm more than ready to be done (I'm 37+3)
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