disharge & blood/ spotting please help!

edited August 2011 in Second Trimester
Im 18 weeks went to the er on saturday bc I've been having mild cramping and light blood comes out with a discharge everyday. They checked me & the baby & said we were ok & healthy & ,said I have a uti. But im confused y am I bleeding or should I say spotting. Is this hapoening 2 anyone else? This will b my second child


  • Bleeding while pregnant especially in the second trimster is not ok. You need to take it easy and see if it goes away. What does your doctor say?
  • The blood could be from the uti don't stress because its bad for the baby call ur doc make an appointment and get lots of rest and drink lots of water
  • Thats the thing they messed up on my medicaid just got it straight so I dnt have an ob/ gyn right now I can only go to the er but.i should have it by next week
  • I was thinking it was from the uti but if it is I have never had a uti to this extent. I cnt get the meds until my medicaid comes through bc the meds r to much to pay out of pocket I cnt afford it right now
  • edited August 2011
    Medicaid goes 3 months back hun, go to an obgyn asap. That isn't normal. Bleeding during the 2nd trimester until the end of the 3rd trimester needs to be taken seriously.
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses. Ive tried bit they want me to pay from $250-300 for 1 visit. They dnt care if medicaid go 3 mths bck bc they dnt know if im approved but I am. This is so stressful
  • That's soooo stupid! I hope they get all your paperwork figured out soon, id call and bitch saying how many problems you're having, you need to see an ob.
  • I know I bitched this morning so hopefully they get it right asap. Thanx for the advice & support ladies
  • I live in Florida...and my ob is in the health department....I went to my first visit and they charge me nothing (they start my papers for medicaid....) I have two diferents dr and they are really good...why you dont try to find a health department where you live...sorry if I wrote something wrong, my english its really bad...good luck %%-
  • @monkeymam. What dou mean a health department. Do they have a an other name for it I live in texas & im not sure if we have one
  • I dont really know...i live in fl for two yrs. But if you have wic maybe they can tell you if near from you they have a he.dep...or google it....
  • The health dep its like a small public hosp...and most the time its for people with a low other words for poor people :-/....theyre gonna send me to the hospita in my last 4 weeks...@josiamommy
  • You could have a inflammed cervix. Its when the cervix is irritated by sex or bacteria or an infection ( sti ) . I had that at 28 weeks so they gave me a gel to put inside by the cervix and it cleaned up real good.
  • yes its an infection its a urinary tract infection but I didnt know light blood could come out with discharge may . Its getting worse bc I dnt hv money to get the medication
  • @ncoughlin08. Ok the er dr told me to drink cranberry juice & lots of water but I went to walmart & its no generic to the medicine I need so hopefully my medicaid will b fixed soon & I keep drinking the cran & water. Thnx for the advice
  • Ok thanks! I didnt know that
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