38 weeks braxton hicks

edited August 2011 in Third Trimester
Okay so my fiance and I had sex last night, like always, except I tried being on top. When we were done I was exhausted!! So at about 10:00 my braxton Hicks started..at 10:36 they were still coming, at 11:30 they were still coming, and finally stopped at about 12. They were SO painful but they were not getting closer together :( but! Next time, I'm going ahead & going into the hospital no matter what! & maybe they'll get me having this baby! I'm due August 22 by the way!


  • You should see how many you get in an hour, more than 5 go in.. I feel your pain! I'm due the 25th and I'm more than ready to get this baby girl out! Lol
  • Go ahead to l&d ur baby is on its way especially if they more.than 5 a hour
  • edited August 2011
    @fashion_junky91 & @lily_glz Ugh! I wish I would of known this last night! I had probably about 5 every hour or so...& I've had some today also...but nothing I couldn't handle
  • Oh & this might be tmi but I was on the toilet while they first started. I had like an urge to go number 2 for about an hour!
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