potty training 2y/o

Hi I'm not really seriously potty training my two year old since I'm pretty much expecting him to regress after his sister is born.
He enjoys peeing in the toilet and will generally go by himself if hes naked from waist down but if anything is covering him be it shorts, his blankie on his lap, or just a long shirt he goes off like a fire hose. Any sujestions? Or should I just force him back into diapers for the time being till hes closser to being ready?


  • Just make sure he is always wearing ubdies, and ask him every 30 min. My roommates daughter is 2.5 and a couple weeks ago started wanting to use the big potty vs her diaper. She's dobe great, and no bedtime accidents. Altgough for naps n bedtime they still use a diaper just in case.. well they just switched to pull ups & call them bedtime panties.
  • i let my lil guy run around in undies.. and if its summer and hot.. um.. i did the fill his cup with juice and put the potty in the living room.. gave him some crayons and waited for him to tinkle.. lol.. he was 18months old and potty trained in two days.. and i made him wear underwear. no shirt.. lol.. he didnt like to potty in his underroos and loved the praise.. dont go back and forth.. i think thats the worse thing to do.. and it will just prolong the potty training.. also i dont believe that pull ups are good either.. just my oppinion.. i mean its basicaly a diaper and can cause confusion.. of course a diaper or pull up for bed for a few months is good..
  • My son is 19mths old & I have 46 days until his little sister gets here. I guess I need to get on the ball, huh? :-)
  • I hve a 2 yr old n he refuse to sit on potty r even go in bathroom so I stopped trying for now!
  • Hun whatever you do, DO NOT PUT HIM IN DIAPERS! I can't stress that more. It will confuse him and he will go backwards. I suggest a sticker chart. Everytime he goes, he gets a sticker. After he fills his chart with 100 stickers, he get $5.00 for anything he wants. Also give treats for poop's. Like tootsie rolls. The only time you put him in a diaper, if needed, is naptime and bedtime. Other than that don't put hum back in them or it will confuse him. I also suggest using underwear. They usually HATE the way the wet feels on them with underwear so it teaches them to use the potty and stay dry. Don't give up hun, it can be stressful but do not give up no matter what. :) my almost 19 month old daughter started potty training 2 weeks ago (she's our first, 2nd is 2 months old) and she is almost completely potty trained with this technique and barley ever has an accident. I was suggested this technique and it worked like a charm! :D good luck hun!
  • We tried everything with our son (he'll be 3 next month)... We decided that he just wasn't ready! So we let him wear diapers, underwear or pull ups whenever he wanted. A week ago he woke up and decided he wanted to wear big boy underwear and go on the potty.

    I think that it's his way of competing for attention now that the baby is here. What is most amazing is that he hasn't wet the bed a single time! He doesn't even want to wear pull ups. We've had a few accidents, but he's like a different kid.

    Maybe wait until the baby comes. When he sees the baby getting the diaper changed he'll realize he is a big boy and thst going potty will get him positive attention.
  • Heard it harder to train a boy! I tried potty training my 15 month but it ain't happening so I'm ganna try again when he's 18 months. Great luck Hun!
  • I have the same fear but being on a fixed income its gonna be hard to buy 3-4 boxes of diapers so last month I bought a box of pull UPS just to get my 2 year old used to the up n down motion of the pull UPS then this month I just didn't buy her anything but 10 pairs of panties she got the idea in about a week now its been 3 weeks cause she ran out of pull UPS last month and she hasn't had q accident she goes to the stores and sleeps thru the night no problem we actually went to Chicago which is 2 hours on a good note from where I live w/out traffic with no problems for the first week ask him every half hour if he gotta go then after a week go to 45 minutes then the following week an hour my daughters now at the point where I only ask her maybe 3-4 times a day she does the rest basically on her own....
    Don't give up....... Patients
    Keep the potty at close distance..... At night by the bed......
    I know how hard it is to put them back to sleep....... But wake them up once in the middle of the night......( my daughter I have to wake her up and pull her pants off and set her on the pot)
    First thing in the morning make him go....
    Half hour after he eats make him go....
    If he outside playing bring the pot.....(my bd gets,embarrassed cause we will be at a park playing n I whip out the potty chair I have to explain to him that every parent here has potty trained they kid they understand lol)
    Just be very consistent with it....
    I know if I would have bought diapers or pull up I would have got lazy we even had some cheap gas station ones paying I around and I went n soaked them in water and threw them out do I wouldn't be tempted......
  • oo also there are some signs u have to look for interest in toilet, changing self clothes diapers, and being able to.say I gotta go potty or I pee or pee or potty a way to tell u they have to go and to be able to keep a dry diaper for two hours to be honest my daughter couldn't do the last one for awhile
  • I think he likes the sound of his pee hitting the water cause he really does like peeing in the toilet. Hes only gone once in the potty chair and I think that was cause his dad scared him.
    Hes my little naked nature boy he has some underwear but when he pees it in he just throws it on the ground and continues his day naked. He also waits to get into a diaper to poo or goes on the floor if I refuse to give him a diaper
  • I potty trained my son after his 2nd bday. He caught on real quick but I agree with the other girl, don't keep switching from undies to diapers. Keep undies on him(except at night). He will have accidents, but you have to be patient. Ask him often if he has to go. Reward him and praise him when he uses the potty. But don't push him! Good luck
  • Yeah I potty trained my little boy just after he turned 2 and he did great. I am a nursery nurse so I've also helped lots of children at nursery! I agree with the ladies about not switching between nappies and pants, its so confusing. The fact that he already goes on the toilet is most of the battle, some children are really scared of that! You could also introduce the pants as 'big boys underwear' as he is going to have a nappy wearing baby in the house, he will enjoy being a big boy! They have to get used to the feeling of pants down there without weeing straight away, boys are quite sensitive, so just keep going with pants and take him to the toilet regularly at first as he learns to hold wee in his bladder till its full. Good luck hun!
  • I started trying at 2 with son...didn't work to good but at three its like I told him look no more diapers or pull ups a bought the gerber training pants and made him sit on the potty every 30mins. Made a big huge deal when he did and was trained. He hates diapers and pull ups he says diapers are for baby sisters which I was determined to have his butt potty trained before she got here! He might try to regress when she comes but I know he is trained lol. He stands up now too. Just give him time. I was rushing him at first and he didn't really get it. So I just waited til he got interested in the potty dance.
  • *I think* hilarious story about going potty at olive garden. My husband took the toddler with him when he went to the bathroom because I was getting a migraine and the husband tries to lessen as much mil exposure as he can. So husband was using the urinal and explaining to the toddler that this is how big boys go potty in public and soon Colt was going to have to start just like daddy. . .
    Toddler in the simple toddler way then grabbed husbands junk and tried to hold it for daddy, to be helpful. . .
    We then had a conversation about personal bubbles lol
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