Potty Training Girls

edited January 2011 in Parenting
Does anyone have any helpful hints on potty training 2 year old girls? My son was so easy, thank god I'm having another boy, I want to get her potty trained within the next 2-3 months before. The baby gets here.


  • When u find out let me know cause I've been trying my hardest to train my daughter. She does poop but no pee.
  • Mine peed but hasn't since she pooped it scared her
  • Don't use pull ups. My daughter would just go in them because they keep the heat like diapers. Get big girl undies. She will pee herself and hate it. Took me 2 weeks this way to fully train my 2 year old. Now she's 3 and wears panties to sleep, no accidents. I laugh when she poops so she wants to go on the potty to make me laugh, then she flushes and we wave bye bye
  • I got the pull UPS with cool alert...she tells me after the fact I even tried taking her every hour...she waits until she gets back upstairs....boys are so much easier.
  • Thr cool alert are just a gimmick. Try the panties. I used pull ups for almost a year and she would still go in them. As son as I put her in undies exclusivley she went to the toilet. I would put her to bed with undies then as soon as she fell asleep put a nighttime pull up on her. Remember too if little kids don't go poop bc there scared they cab get backed up really easy. I had to take my daughter to the hospital because if ir. She now had to take miramax, it works like a charm!
  • Awesome thanks I will defiantly have to try it! It will be so much easier when the new one gets her if the other two use the potty.
  • Take her toget the undeware, let her pick them out, explain to her she is a big girl an no more baby diapers an have her throw them away when u get home,,, it worked for my daughter and now she is 5 she may slip,up while aleep,, but as long as she uses the potty befor bed she is just fine
  • I took my daughter to buy knickers when I needed to buy them and then we put them on together. When I needed a wee she came with me took her about 3 weeks to get the hang of it this was when she was nearly 2 she now nearly 3 and been dry day and night since
  • I will defiantly have to try the panties. Thanks Girls!
  • I totally agree; I had a hard time switching to undies full time- I was caught up in being afraid of pee getting all over, but it only took a few days! We took her to Target & she picked out Princess underwear & I explained to her that princesses always use the potty & don't wear diapers & that did it. We also sing songs & read books on the pottty. She was completely out of diapers at 2 & 1 month, even at night. Good luck! Find whatever your girl loves & play that up! Good luck! =)
  • It also helps to use the potty by routine throughout the day; when they get up, after breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner, and last thing before bedtime... and don't make a big deal out of not going every time or accidents; just stay calm, keep your face neautral & say "Good try, honey! We'll try again soon!"
  • You can also have your daughter wear underwear under the pullups so she feels thw wetness from the underwear.
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