Anybody taking Procardia?

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I was put on 10 mg pills every 4 hours at 30 weeks (3 weeks ago) to help ease up the contractions. Well they're getting to be stronger and more frequent and I told my doctor today at my appointment. Is it just me or does it seem stupid that she now wants me to start taking it every 6 hours instead? :/


  • I'm on procardia as well
  • How many weeks are you jazzi89? And how long have you been on it? Did they ever *decrease* your dosage or frequency you're taking it? Doesn't make sense to me.
  • It made it seem worse to me too. Its a heart medicine the side effect is calming the uterus. Though it didn't feel like it shortening my cervix did stop shortening. Doctors are still unsure of who it helps.
  • I just got taken off procardia. I was also taking 10mg every 3-4 hrs, I was told to quit it yesterday. Funny thing is I expected to start contracting as soon as it wore off... I didn't have a single contraction for 12 hours. They started back again, but what I'm getting at is I think they probably pulled back bc your body gets use to it and adjusting either way snaps you out of it maybe. Idk, just a theory.
  • Thanks. At this point, the contractions are just uncomfortable and annoying. I'm like a walking contraction, except I can't even walk when I'm having one :-< I know the real ones are a million times worse, but by the time I get to that point I'll be so sick of having contractions, I'll probably get the epidural at 1/4 cm dialated!
  • LOL I know what you mean. And walking, any distance at all, even to the bathroom, seems to bring them closer together. I'm only dialated to a 1 and already want my epidural.
  • I went back today and it's as you said Maranda3. Nurse explained that it gives headaches, low blood pressure, fatigue, and some other stuff. Explains why I was so miserable with an awful headache all day last Sunday. I'll do my best to not take them every four hours but it's gonna be a challenge cause they're starting to hurt.
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