April mommy roll call

edited August 2011 in Just for Fun
So just wana touch base with all my April mommies. What's your lo's name, birth date and were are they at in there development.

Aiden Reed Garcia....Dr given due date was for May 4th but my little man picked his own date: April 29th 2011@7:28pm 6lbs 7ozs by emergancy c-sec. He weighed 12lbs at his 3 month check up.
He's not rolled over yet, but not from a lack of trying, he just hates tummy time. But he is talking, kooing he smiles that gummy smile all the time. Laughs himself awake almost every morning. Sits up by himself. Holds his head up amazingly. He's found his core. Grasp things now, pulls his pasy out of his mouth. Plays shy sometimes when your holding him. Oh and he's starting to hold his bottle when his father feeds him. And he makes me cry every time I look at him. I don't know what I ever did in life to deserve something so perfect. And I can't wait to see what he grows up to be!! :) xxoo How about yours......?


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