went on vacation and lost pregnancy weight!

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Granted I started out at 260 lbs BUT seriously lost eveerything while I was on vacation. I had only gained 6 lbs (and was told not to gain any at the beginning of pregnancy). Last time I lost weight (at 24 wks) I was lectured about skipping meals. Seems I can't make my dr happy and now worried on Friday I will have a lecture because I lost so much (6 lbs). I really think that I've gotten scared to eat bad because they have me recording my sugars 4 x's a day. Being old, fat and pregnant is NOT easy! :( BTW I'm 32 wks now.


  • Awww! Don't let anyone make you feel bad. Its not like you went to Weight Watchers! Just as long as Gumdrop is healthy and happy, tell that doctor to kick rocks. FYI, I'm not gaining any weight either. But Sweet Pea/Victoria is perfectly healthy.
  • That's awesome!
  • @tishj330 I knew you'd make me feel better. I think I should be happy to not gain weight. It was weird having EVERYONE back home tell me "you don't even look pregnant" and "looks like you've lost weight" I think I just need to say YAY for our girls being healthy and being easy on us after they're born. YAY Sweet0ea and Gumdrop...I love our young ladies :)
  • My dear old friend, I totally concur lol! I've decided that Sweet Pea will be the best baby ever simply because I'm far too old & tired for a fussy child. Gumdrop probably had a blast on vacation, and she is doing great. I know because she told Sweet Pea, and Sweet Pea told me lol ;-) . I'm glad to see you back safe and sound. I understand about the looking pregnant thing! My MIL insists I'm starving myself because my bump is so small. I've decided to ignore her completely. So far so good :-D
  • My dear old friend, I totally concur lol! I've decided that Sweet Pea will be the best baby ever simply because I'm far too old & tired for a fussy child. Gumdrop probably had a blast on vacation, and she is doing great. I know because she told Sweet Pea, and Sweet Pea told me lol ;-) . I'm glad to see you back safe and sound. I understand about the looking pregnant thing! My MIL insists I'm starving myself because my bump is so small. I've decided to ignore her completely. So far so good :-D
  • Double post! Sorry lol!
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