lotions, shampoo, body wash on newborn?

When they baby comes home for the first, for the first few weeks, are you supposed to use soap and lotion and all that one them? I've heard from some that you're not supposed to. To just use water? What have you other mommies heard or done?


  • I use a litlle bit of lotion and soap as he needed it. Which was not very often at all. And I don't think I did it right away but it has been so long I am a little rusty.
  • I would wash my kids' necks and armpits and face every day. I would put a little bit of baby soap in the bowl I was using, and put water in there and wash away. Then I would rinse with my peri bottle full of warm water. I would put lotion on her every day as well. This is how the hospital taught me to care for my newborn, so I trust that they know what they're doing. Once she 4 weeks, I started bathing her in the sink, then the tub, every day.
  • @socalMOMMA2boys oh, so they don't get dry skin right away?
  • I don't think so and like another poster said when you start using it its only like 1 a week.
  • @bke913ive heard that under their neck gets dirty easily. That's a good thought, to just follow what the nurses do in the hospital. The lotion everyday didn't irritate her skin?
  • My son's skin started peeling at 1 week old on his feet so that's when I started using lotion and his belly button fell off a few days before he was 2 weeks and I gave him his first bath with baby soap and shampoo on his 2 weeks. I only bathe him every few days though so his skin doesn't dry out.
  • I bathe her every other day. At first its just sponge baths till the cord falls off. And the nurse said I could use a little lotion cause she was also peeling. @bke913 you bathe her everyday? How old is she? I ask because my daughter sweats a lot like her daddy and I want to do that. I feel she sleeps soo much better and longer after her bath but don't know if I should. She's going to be 7 weeks Friday.
  • My ped told me a few days ago... That babies need to be bathe everyday from 4 weeks and older... ANd for baby NOt to use any Johnson's soap, shampoo.. it conatins alot of alcohol that irritates and dries their skin.. She recommended Dove body was for sensitive skin and Eucerin lotion for after... ANd I have noticed a big change on her irritated skin...
  • I sponge bathed my new born daily until her cord fell off after that I bathed her in the tub daily I don't like to smell spit up and drool on her plus she enjoys her baths she will b 12 weeks Thursday also I have always used lotion on her as well she had dry skin patches by her ankles and wrists the Dr actually told me to use the lotion daily
  • I give both of my daughters baths (sponge until cord fell off) every single night. They've never missed 1 night. I also lotion them down with the bedtime bath stuff. I've never once had a problem with dry skin on either of them and my first is almost 19 months old and second is 2 months old. My first was sleeping through the night at 5 weeks and second at 6 weeks :)
  • @Mommyoftwoprincesses lucky you! Sometimes my doll won't sleep till 7:30 am. :( but I think I'll start giving her daily baths.
  • @cait_septembermommy @mommy2b06 Yes, I bathe her every single day! Well, I bathe her every night with the Johnson and Johnsons night time baby wash and follow it up with the lotion, and she sleeps 7-9 hours straight evergreen night!!

    No, the lotion was not irritating at all. I've only ever uses Johnson and Johnsons lotions, but I figure baby lotion is for babies so it should be okay to use on sensitive skin. She is very soft. Both my kiddies are!

    She is 13 weeks. I have been bathing her daily since about 4 or 5 weeks. I think the bath really does help. I have her on a schedule and if she doesn't get her bath by 9 p.m., she has a fit lol.
  • @BkE913 I do the same thing and my girls are the same way! :) nice warm bath with the beditme bath, lotion down with bedtime lotion, then a nice warm bottle is a perfect recipe for a happily sleeping baby and a good nights sleep for mommy! :)
    @mommy2b06 honestly, I bet within just a few weeks it will help her tremendously.
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses Agreed, it is divine! I recommend it to alllll mommies, amateur and veteran lol.
  • @BkE913 I agree 100%! I had the info passed on to me 19 months ago and used it ever since, never failed once with her, even during teething time!! And so far its the same way for our second :)
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses
    Thank you for all your input! I can't wait to have bath time with my baby girl!
  • I bathe my baby every other day. I use Dove sensitive soap and Eucerin or Aquaphor lotion. I've seen results as far as her skin being dry. Johnson & Johnson has a lot of alcohol and dyes that drys the skin.
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