Im here!! getting induced!!! Update



  • Just checking in on ya. How you doing?
  • So exciting! !! Nov is so far away lol! Good luck today!
  • i hope all is going well!
    sorry i didnt see u posted earlier- i am am due aug 24, 30. doc doesn't want me going much longer- she's too big.
  • Cervadil helps soften the cervix. Its gel medicine on like a tampon string. They have to apply it way in the cervix! It hurt & the stuff made my out sides sting. I'm at a 12 on pitocin feeling contractions but nothing ridiculous. I'm only 50% effaced 1 cm dialated. Booo. Dr will be back @ 5 too see progress & possibly discuss c section, if baby is still unable to move throughout birth canal
  • @ash1la I'm ok... Labored all day without meds and when they checked me, it brought me to tears!!! Still 2cm but real soft and ready as far as effacing goes. My baby just won't settle down and is still floating so they took me off pitocin and will give me a sleeping pill and allow me to eat so when I wake up, they'll let me shower and just start me again and I will have her tomorrow unless she comes tonight on her own. *sigh*

    @Tlg81 how's it going now??
  • Mines not any better, only 1 cm she's not dropping dr thinks she is to big for my pelvis, c section is sched for 30 min!
  • Good luck ladies!! Try to relax as much as possible or it will stall your labor. I learned the hard way.
  • Ugh @babycomingsoon143.....this is exactly what we didn't want, lol. Hopefully you can get some rest and she comes tomorrow. Your girl is a stubborn one! Glad the docs aren't trying to rush you and make you have a c section. Keep us updated....
  • Oh Hun I hope it goes quick when u wake up
  • @Tlg81 oh man!!! Pls update when you can. Been praying for you. :)

    @mommyoftwoprincesses I'm trying to relax but the contractions have been nuts! Lol took a shower and it was the best one I've ever had :-P

    @ash1la yeah, they aren't rushing at all but in some ways, it sucks. I really was wanting to hold her tonight but I guess it's not time. Lol

    @momof22be @mommyof3girls thank you!
  • Yeah I understand, but rather wait a day than them trying to force you to do a c section. One more day won't hurt....oh any get to eat something! Yum
  • She's here 8 lb 6 oz 21 inches long . Hadley Grace born 8/11/11 at 831 pm via c section. Perfect & blessed
  • @tlg81 Congrats!!
    @babycomingsoon143 hoping today goes smooth for you and you get your little one here! Good luck.
  • @Tlg81 congrats!!!! I bet she's gorgeous! How was the c-section experience? I'm now at 6:41am EST hooked back up to pitocin. They said all i went through yesterday should make today smooth... But she's refusing to drop and idk how long I'll have to wait to see if shell even fo it. Ugh!!! Lol pls keep us in your prayers. My Jemma grace was supposed to be 8.6 8-11-11 lol crazy how much we were to be alike. We'll see what the final outcome Is with weight and birthday haha I'm so happy for you !!' :-D

    @1stWoodsBaby thank you!!! Hoping & praying that it'll be soon! <3 trying hard to not get discouraged.
  • @babycomingsoon143 Yay! The final stretch! \:D/

    @tlg81 Congratulations!
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  • Any updates @babycommingsoon143.... And it's funny your babies middle name will be grace @tlg81 babies middle name is Grace ( Congrats by the way) and grace is one of the middle names we are considering for my daughter.......
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