really confused..

edited August 2011 in Loss
after my horrible day yesterday i had an appointment with my ob today to confirm m/c. while talking to my ob he said that the results from the ultrasound didnt show anything, meaning there was no gestational sac. they again asked if i had taken a hpt and i told them i took 2. i told my dr that the bleeding had been very heavy yesterday with cramping but has eased up a bit today. i also told him that the doctor at the hospital didnt fully explain things to me. the only thing that the doctor at the hospital had said was that not seeing anything on the ultrasound could be one of 3 things, ectopic, miscarriage, or too early to see anything. well if it were too early to see a fetus you should at least be able to see a gestational sac right? well aparently there wasnt one so doesnt that rule out miscarriage since i hadnt been bleeding heavy at that point or passed anything. My question is could it have been ectopic and the bleeding & pain was from that? im not in really any pain anymore and bleeding is lighter than yesterday so could it have just released from my tubes and thats what i passed? im so confused. doctors suck and do a horrible job at explaining things. my ob said i have to get blood work done every week til my levels go back down to 0 and that he will look more into what happened. I also asked him if he could look into why i miscarried 4 months ago. I just dont want to try again and have the same outcome.


  • btw the only pain i feel now is a lot of pressure. i dont know if that helps at all.
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  • @mshahir i wish the doctors knew what to tell me. i hate leaving not knowing what is going on with my own body but thank you
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  • @richjen24 i just hate that they cant give me an answer as to why this is even happening to me. not to mention my ob is horrible so if i do get pregnant again im definitely not going there.
  • Its probably. A chemical pregnancy. I would change doctors.did your previous loss end the same way?
  • im sorry sweetie. i hope they get some answers quickly and can make sure the next is a sticky baby!
  • edited August 2011
    @II10 i plan on changing doctors. But no last pregnancy there was a fetus right where it should have been.

    @survivormommie3 i hope so too
  • Have you thought of chemical pregnancy?.I'm pretty sure thats what I had on april 8. 3 days prior I got 3 + at home. But by the time I went to the er my levels were 2.6 anything under 5 they rule not pregnant. So basically this dude that was up my vajay jay told me. "you have your period". However the next month I took pregnancy tests for a week straight before I got excited about the +. This time my level was at 26 and 2 days later as I miscarried feeling unbearable cramps, nausea, clammy, etc I believe I passed my baby at home, so by the time I got to the er & got an u/s they didn't see a yolk sak either. I had felt my worse in my bathroom and by the time I even got to the er the pain was gone. However they did find fluid on one of my tubes which made them believer it was ectopic. My levels were 16 and back to normal by the following tuesday
  • @BabyLuv8 they think it might have been a chemical pregnancy. i had only taken the 2 tests that both came up positive but that was a week and a half before i started bleeding. i didn't pass anything when i was at home before going to the er. i started bleeding a lot heavier and clotting after the ultrasound. i have to get blood work done today to make sure my levels are dropping and then i have to get it done every week til they are back to normal. sorry for your miscarriage. my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage but there was definitely a fetus where it should have been it just stopped growing at 6 weeks but my body still thought i was pregnant for another 2 weeks. i just want the answers that i'm looking for. i don't want to try again if it's just going to end the same way. i feel like i'm never going to be able to give my husband a child from me.
  • I hear you! I have been on and off if/when to try because they pain was do bad. And I cant help but worry constantly that it'll happen again. it sucks because I know so many ppl who don't deserve the kids they have let alone the child they are carrying. And then there is me. my husband and I want a baby & we can afford a baby but we don't get as fortunate!
  • @BabyLuv8 that is exactly how i feel. A girl i know is 5 months pregnant and STILL drinks and smokes almost on a daily basis. I hate to say it but i know that baby is gonna end up having the grandparents take care of it. and to top it off she doesnt know who the father of the baby is. My hubby has a 5 year old from a previous relationship and i love her with all my heart like she is my own but the thing is she isnt my own. I want to experience being pregnant and labor and having a baby of my own. It will happen one day(i hope). Dont give up hope!
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