PCOS and Birth Control- maybe tmi

I am soooo COMPLETELY done with using the birth control pill. In March of 2009 I had to stop using the pill Because EVERY kind of BC pill makes my periods erratic. I bled for 3 dang months straight on BC. They gave me medicine to stop bleeding and it didn't work! I had to Have a d&c done Because I could t quit bleeding. Now that I'm not pregnant and on the pill again, I started after with cramps from hell 7weekspp. Now at 9 weeks pp I'm having another one with cramps from hell again. Could this be because of pcos? Anyone have similar stories/experience?


  • Do you have pcos? I have it. I took the pill from '05-'10. Never caused me a prob. It regulated me. How long are you on the pill before you stop? It may take 6months- a year. Or your dr needs to find a pill that helps with pcos. I was on Lutera. When I stopped in oct, I stayed on a 28 day cycle & got pregs in jan. Have you thought of taking herbs...though they aren't abirth control. If you have Facebook go to a page SoulCysters. Its a private group only with pcos women. Very informative place!
  • I have pcos and always had trouble with pills. I found the patch was the best method for me. I found birth control to be very helpful, especially when trying to conceive. The pill always caused severe stomach aches and cramps, but the patch helped regulate me.
  • @one5one Yes, I do have PCOS. I was actually diagnosed with it back when I was 16, but my doctor told me it would just "go away on it's own". I was on the pill for like 2 years when I started bleeding crazily. It happened for three months straight. I went to a gyno, and they gave me this pill to stop your bleeding, and I took that thing twice, never did any good. When I decided to try to conceive (October 2009) I had a hard time, because of my PCOS, and both of my tubes were blocked. In August of 2010 I had the blockages cleared, and the specialist told me it was due to my PCOS. I've never had good luck with the pills, and would like to have another child pretty soon, so im not really worried about the BC aspect of it, would just like to stop bleeding so much. I will definitely try out that Facebook page. Thanks!

    @vtmamajuju Yeah, the pills have never been good for me. I never had cramps in my entire life until I started taking BC and now I get them constantly.

    I'm trying to decide if I should go back to the specialist, as my regular gyno's just don't seem to care enough, and this other doctor was amazing, and helped me to get pregnant only a month after I started seeing him. He specializes in PCOS, and im honestly thinking that might be the way to go.
  • Pcos never goes away! I think your dr that said that is wrong & didn't wanna learn about pcos. I've had it since puberty but formally diagnosed in '05. Irregular and/or heavy periods is part of pcos. I was never regular cycle wise but they never lasted more than about 5 days. Normal bleeding. Others bleed heavy for weeks. Please check the page out. The women do the research & know what can or can't work. Or stick with the gyno that helped you conceive. He may know what can help you. %%-
  • Pcos doesn't go away??? Omg :O i was diagnosed with pcos after i was on depo for 18 months. I never realised id have it for life! I thought it was gone when i fell preg. Took me nearly a year to conceive. Will have a look at the facebook page.
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