size u/s tomorrow.....kinda long :-)
So I went to my 37 week check-up yesterday and the nurse practitioner felt my belly and said "hmm I think he's kinda on the big side so I want you to have an estimation of weight done with an u/s." My bp is good, no GD, I've not gained an extraordinary amt of weight I'm at 35lbs which they said is absolutely fine...but I said whaaat? They've been telling me I measure perfectly everytime I have an appt, so I was a bit surprised that she thinks he's big. They originally scheduled me for 8/22 (uhm, 5 days from the due date...??) bc they didn't have any u/s openings; the secretary called today for me to come in at 330pm est tomorrow. So of course the day has been dragging by since she called. I'm half hoping that he shows up as gigantor and they say they want to induce me...but the other half is saying please be tiny I don't want to be cut open. I'm just very ready for my booger to be here!
Anyone have had any weight u/s's be off by a lot? Or were they kinda accurate? I know they're not spot on, but just wondering other's experiences.
Anyone have had any weight u/s's be off by a lot? Or were they kinda accurate? I know they're not spot on, but just wondering other's experiences.
with my first the u.s. estimated her to be almost 9 lbs at the time of the u.s. 1 wk later she was born at 7 lbs 8 oz.
with my second the u.s. estimated him to be almost 10 lbs and 1 1/2 wks later he was born at 8 lbs 11 oz.