size u/s tomorrow.....kinda long :-)

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
So I went to my 37 week check-up yesterday and the nurse practitioner felt my belly and said "hmm I think he's kinda on the big side so I want you to have an estimation of weight done with an u/s." My bp is good, no GD, I've not gained an extraordinary amt of weight I'm at 35lbs which they said is absolutely fine...but I said whaaat? They've been telling me I measure perfectly everytime I have an appt, so I was a bit surprised that she thinks he's big. They originally scheduled me for 8/22 (uhm, 5 days from the due date...??) bc they didn't have any u/s openings; the secretary called today for me to come in at 330pm est tomorrow. So of course the day has been dragging by since she called. I'm half hoping that he shows up as gigantor and they say they want to induce me...but the other half is saying please be tiny I don't want to be cut open. I'm just very ready for my booger to be here!

Anyone have had any weight u/s's be off by a lot? Or were they kinda accurate? I know they're not spot on, but just wondering other's experiences.


  • with my last pregnancy I was told my son was going to be almost 10lbs and ended up being 7lbs and 11oz and with this pregnancy the Dr I saw last week said that ultrasounds can be off by a lot so she's not to concerned about him being to big, and I would deliver vaginally :) there are a lot of factors that can make your baby seem bigger!
  • @3rd_bumps_a_charm Sometimes when he moves I feel like he's huge bc he's been sitting in my ribs the entire time and some movements literally bring tears to my eyes. But I do honestly think he's not as big as she's making it seem...maybe I have a little more fluid than I should. Idk. Lol guess we shall find out tomorrow.
  • I had that last time, and they decided to induce me, but it was my 39 week appt, so I don't know if they'll wait it out or not with you. My belly measured right, but when they "felt" for her position, she felt big. He could have been stretched out or something though, so I wouldn't worry too much.
  • I wouldn't worry about it too much doctors can be wrong. Just be happy you're getting an u/s. I'm dying to see my little guy again. I asked my midwife "are you sure he's not too big? Shouldn't we do an u/s to check since im going ahead w/ a vbac?" Sadly she said she was sure lol
  • @sweetsurprise yeah we are thankful to get to see him again. We were just saying the other day how we wish we could get another u/s before he's born and we are getting one now lol we're gonna try and get the u/s tech to flip it into 3D but he might be too squished now to get a good picture.
  • i'm in a similar situation. i was measuring perfect until my 36 wk appt and i was measuring 4 wks ahead- 40 wks! this last appt (37 wks) my doc measured still 4 wks ahead. so she wants me to have an u.s. well she wanted it to be before monday at my next appt with her, but they couldnt get me in until next wednesday. she said if she measures past a certain amt then she doesnt want me going into labor at all and straight into a csection. if shes ok she will allow one more week to go natural then induced.
    with my first the u.s. estimated her to be almost 9 lbs at the time of the u.s. 1 wk later she was born at 7 lbs 8 oz.
    with my second the u.s. estimated him to be almost 10 lbs and 1 1/2 wks later he was born at 8 lbs 11 oz.
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