choices for meds for child birth. what are the options??

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
What are my options? I know an epidural is one of them. I just want to know so I can look up information to further educate since I am a first time mom.


  • You should probably call the hospital and ask. I had looked into my options and decided on a "walking epidural", and then my doctor told me that my hospital doesnt do those. Its a good thing I brought it up at the appt, or I would have been sorely disappointed later on.
  • @CaptainMorgaine like I had one hospital and was suppose to meet with one doctor and then I switched hospitals and have yet to meet up with the doctor at an appt to ask. I'm 34 weeks tomorrow.
  • I got this shot that went into an I.v. it puts u to sleep immediately n numbs u not sure how to spell it but if u ask about these affects they should let u know wat I'm talking about BTW I loved it
  • ive had epidural, demerol, and stadol.. i think the demerol and staidol were pointless .. i had them with my first and they didnt provide me with anything but a drunken high, and a lathargic baby.. so ill never use IV drugs agian.. i love the epidural.. id like to try the walking epidural.. and id like to know more about that and experiences with it..
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  • I say ask your hospital what is available. I talked to my doctor about the walking epi as well. My hospital does not offer it either. She told me it is because it neve really worked the way it was suppose to. She also said it had more problems (like only half you body going num) andmost hospitals don't offer it anymore. Most hospitals have classes you can take I took a labor and delivery class we spent a 30 mins talking about med options they answered all questions. The class was 45 dollars (for two people birthing partners should go). Free with medicaid and some inssurances. Most hospitals have these classes
  • Analgestic(sp) pictocin,epidural,um I think that's it.
  • @valentinasmommy, pitocin is used to help get labor going... not for pain relief.
  • @xFirstTimeMomx, there is something called nubain which is an iv med I do believe, I've never personally had it but a friend of mine did. It's only meant to take the edge off. I've had the epidural for all 3 of my deliveries thusfar, it works wonders until you're giving birth, you'll feel a ton of pressure when you're ready to push & crowning is still going to burn... but let me say that ANY meds you take will not relieve the birthing pains. I'm not sure of the other options though, sorry I couldn't help very much. I prefer to be an epi mom. :)
  • @momma_tiffay I thought she meant just the meds not the pain relief ones.
  • I was offered nubain yesterday to help stop contractions at 34+5 crazy bc I was considering that as my form of pain relief but if its also used to slow labor forget ab it__
  • I've also been given fentonol, it mostly makes u feel high, takes the edge off a little
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