heartbroken & confused. :/ (vent)

edited August 2011 in Depression
As some of you know I had my lil boy 3 months ago. I had posted a discussion on my husband and I separating. He just changed his mind on me. It really hurts knowing what I thought was my perfect man, became my worst nightmare. :/ I never would've thought id be doing any of this alone or be going through this seperation. I know my son doesn't deserve to grow up with mommy & daddy fighting all the time, & daddy beating mommy so I packed up & left for awhile. It's so hard but I'm trying to be strong. =\ I'm so depressed & Really just want my husband back, the man I fell in love with. Not this nasty monster he's becoming. =\


  • I'm lost & confused. Anyone else go through something like this?
  • Don't go back hun you are a strong woman. You and your many boy deserve better. I'm sorry and it is hard, but you can do it. Much, love and strength. >:D<
  • edited August 2011
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  • I've learned from my mom n her exs situation once they hit u n u stay they'll continue to do it if maybe u leave n give him time to realize why he loves u n how much he needs u n his life maybe it'll b a wake up call to him n he will appreciate u but if u decide to not give it a break@ least it is more likely the hitting n/or verbal abuse will just continue to get worse this is my insight on the subject good luck w/ whatever u decide to do only u know what's best for u n ur lo >:D< hugs n prayers that god will steer u toward the right direction we all go down the wrong path sometime or another but u will find ur way [-O<
  • I'm going thru separation right now too. I'm leaving tomorrow and we'll be 2000 miles apart. I just broke the news to him tonight. He's mad, and hurt. But so am I. I too, never thought I'd be going thru this. But apparently he didn't feel the same when he cheated. He wants me to stay married to him, but I'd be going thru hell in my own mind if I did. It was honestly the hardest decision I've ever made in my life. Divorce HURTS EVERYONE. Think about things before you make a decision, and lay down stipulations, ultimatums, etc. Good luck. I hope everything works out in you & your son's favor.
  • I really hope he realizes what he did I've gone and came back. This time I won't. I'm tired of trying and hurting myself. Right now I'm strong enough to tell myself I don't care so I can stay gone. I feel so bad for my son, he didn't ask for any of this. He's my world now. & thank you for saying I'm a good mom cause some days I don't feel it. Also all the encouragement helps! I'm trying to be strong but it's only been a night. I'm also thinking of moving out of the city for awhile. Just to break free from him for awhile get a job & focus on bettering myself & my son's lives. Part of me really hopes pain on him & really hopes he gets help but I keep telling everyone if I do go back we need marital counseling & he's gotta work for it. No more running back for this mama.
  • You are truly doing what is best for your son. I'm proud of you for being so strong. I know it hurts now but you will in turn have a better turn out, and believe me there are better men out there who will treat you right . Please hold ur head up , u are a role model to other woman.
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