28 weeks already dialted 2cm

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Gm ladies
So I was in a car accident in may(about 3 months prego) and i've been having really bad back pains every since... but Tues the pain was just outta control and along with the back pain i was having braxton hicks so i decided to go to the er... once in the er they monitored my contractions my baby's heart rate and then the doc chckd my cervix... and we find out i'm 2 cm dialted mind you i'm only 28 weeks this is my second child but i dnt think it's normal to start dialting already wat do you ladies think could my accident cause me to dialted early? After my car accident the doctors didn't give me a ultrasound or chekd my cervix even though i was crying and begging them too... the er doc basically said it was normal and nothing to be worried about but honestly im soooo nervous i don't want my lil girl to come tooo early!!


  • that is not ok. You need to call your doctor ASAP. Contrations + Dialation is labor. I doubt its the accident. But you never know. They need to check your placenta and all sorts of other things to make sure its ok. You need to be admited for monitoring and maybe for steroid shots to help her lungs just is case. Too scary. Good luck mama. Keep us updated.
  • In the er they just brushed me off like it was nothing... no ultrasound no checking the placenta one thing she did was chk to see if I had a infection and if that was causing me to dialate but I showed no infection... she said women could walk around 2cm dilated for a while with my son,I was 2 weeks over due and I didn't dialate so quickly... I was discharge without ne instructions to take it easy or ne thing!! So I kinda feel like the doc really didn't knw wat she was doing!
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