28 weeks already dialted 2cm
Gm ladies
So I was in a car accident in may(about 3 months prego) and i've been having really bad back pains every since... but Tues the pain was just outta control and along with the back pain i was having braxton hicks so i decided to go to the er... once in the er they monitored my contractions my baby's heart rate and then the doc chckd my cervix... and we find out i'm 2 cm dialted mind you i'm only 28 weeks this is my second child but i dnt think it's normal to start dialting already wat do you ladies think could my accident cause me to dialted early? After my car accident the doctors didn't give me a ultrasound or chekd my cervix even though i was crying and begging them too... the er doc basically said it was normal and nothing to be worried about but honestly im soooo nervous i don't want my lil girl to come tooo early!!
So I was in a car accident in may(about 3 months prego) and i've been having really bad back pains every since... but Tues the pain was just outta control and along with the back pain i was having braxton hicks so i decided to go to the er... once in the er they monitored my contractions my baby's heart rate and then the doc chckd my cervix... and we find out i'm 2 cm dialted mind you i'm only 28 weeks this is my second child but i dnt think it's normal to start dialting already wat do you ladies think could my accident cause me to dialted early? After my car accident the doctors didn't give me a ultrasound or chekd my cervix even though i was crying and begging them too... the er doc basically said it was normal and nothing to be worried about but honestly im soooo nervous i don't want my lil girl to come tooo early!!